RiverCameron Member


  • I'm going to sign up too. I was doing pretty well, but slowly I've found it easier and easier to put off the workouts and 'forget' to track the food. Hopefully this will help get me back on track. Rose
  • I have a feeling you didn't gain anything. I just read in one of my fitness magazines (I can't remember right now which, but I'll post again when I figure out which) that it's normal to weigh a little more on the scale for a few days after a flight. The changes in air pressure causes your body to hold on to a few pounds of…
  • I officially do it twice a week. Once on Wednesday morning for the Biggest Loser MFP group, and once on Saturday for me, as my fitness week is from Saturday to Friday. So far I'm finding the extra accountability very helpful. In the past when I've tried to lose weight, I'd weigh in the once a week, and feel like "I don't…
  • Yup, WAY too hard on yourself. It takes a lot of work to lose even one pound of fat. It's possible to quickly lose pounds of water, but who wants that? Go drink a glass or two and you put it right back on. Safe, effective weight loss should be a pound or two a week. If you are close to goal it's more like 1/2 pound to a…
  • My turn! Starting weight: 210 Weight last week: 201.5 Weight this week: 200 :bigsmile: I'm down 10 pounds in a month! I can't wait for the next even half pound. Getting under 200, gosh I haven't been there in years! And the last time I was there it was only a brief trip that lasted a few weeks and then I was back in 200…
  • Motivation usually wanes at about that point. That's why gyms are full on January 1st, and at least around here we see all of these people in new walking shoes and fitness clothes power walking around the neighborhood, but in less than a month most of them are gone and the new clothes are in the back of someone's closet.…
  • Hi guys. I'm glad we're so far into this and still have so many of us checking in! Start weight: 210 Weight last week: 203 Weight this week: 201.5 Down another 1.5 pounds! I've never lost this consistantly for so many weeks in a row. I know it's the journaling. As resistant as I was to write down every thing I eat, keeping…
  • I'm going to echo what so many have said already. Lift weights, and heavy ones (I mean heavy for you, not heavy for like Arnold Schwartzenager). The reason our metabolism slows as we age is because we lose muscle mass. You need to make sure you are lifting heavy enough that you couldn't do more than 10-12 reps at most,…
  • There is a saying, "Whether you think you can or you can't, you are right" and I think it applies. If you honestly don't think you can do this, then no, you can't. But if instead of focusing on the two cookies, focus on everything you did right, and how you can improve for tomorrow. Weight loss is a journey and it's rarely…
  • I'm doing it the boring way. I'm counting calories and using a food journal (small notebook in my purse) and exercising. I'm trying to keep my calories between 1500 and 1700 calories, but I've been over a little sometimes and under others. I am not a doctor or professional AT ALL, but I got to thinking that if some days I…
  • Another week down and still feeling good. i've been going good with my eating but the exercise took a break while I lead an overnight field trip that I'm still trying to recover from. I can tell from my mood though that I haven't exercised in a few days, I'm SO grumpy and short tempered. Comes hades or high water, I'm…
  • I've done it and lost the 10% they set the first goal for, but then lost steam and gained it all back. I went back a few times after that, but didn't get those results again because I wasn't ready and didn't follow the program. Simply attending the meetings won't make you lose weight, you have to track your food and count…
  • Starting weight: 210 Weight last week: 208 Weight this week: 175 245 147 254 189 253 195 214 199 212 200 206 (heehee, that's those still number scrolling around, why do they do that?) 204.5 :happy: Weight loss this week: 3.5 lbs Percentage lost this week: 1.68 And yes, I was SO glad to see Neil leave. I wonder what he…
  • I think if you've got $150 to invest, you can set up a really nice home workout area. I work out at home. I've tried gyms MANY times, but it's too easy for me to make an excuse not to go (kids, worked late, they close too soon to do what I want to do, class is too crowded, instructor is annoying, too far to drive, workout…
  • If you like that one, you should pick up the other Dance off the Inches ones. I've got them all except the newest one (which I can't find anywhere local :angry: ) and they are all great!
  • Starting weight: 210 Weight today: 208 Pounds Lost 2 Percentage body weight lost 0.95 So I followed suit with many of the women on the show last night, but I was, and am, really happy about my two pound loss. Congratulations to everyone participating. Well all doing so well! I know a few didn't lose this week, but so did a…
  • I'm 5' 3.5" and my wishful thinking goal would put me at 110, so 100 pounds, but that's REALLY not realistic and I know that. My realistic goal, I think, is 135, so 75 pounds. I'm hoping to be there by New Year's 09. I'm hoping to hit 20 pounds off by the end of February, down to 170 or lower by June and 150 by August. I…
  • I had this problem until I started tracking my food during the day and discovered that I was getting to the evening with, the first day, still 1,000 calories on the table. I was undereating all day and then totally blowing that on junk at night. I'm trying now to eat more during the day and so far it's working. I REALLY…
  • 1. To better manage my stress. 2. To gain more energy 3. Because I miss turning heads. Who knows, I may be too old for that anyway, but I'm tired of being "she'd be pretty if..." girl, I just want to feel pretty again. 4. To be able to buy clothes anywhere and to more easily be able to find the cute ones. 5. For the…
  • Something a TV doctor said about this has always stayed with me. She said "Genetics may load the gun, but lifestyle pulls the trigger." So yes, i firmly believe some people have a much harder time, and being one of them I can say from the bottom of my heart that it's SO not fair, but those are the cards I was dealt and the…
  • Hi. I'm new here. I found this place a few days ago and just decided to go ahead and register today. I've been on and off the fitness wagon all of my life, but I've been off for quite a while and I've gotten up to 210 lbs. Actually, my highest weight is 223 so at least I'm starting out under that. Over the holiday break…
  • I'd love to join you guys, the more accountability I've got the better. I weighed in on Saturday at 210. I think I'm going to do it like the show and post my start, my last week, my new week and my percentage lost (or, gulp, gained) for the week, if I can figure out how to do the math :laugh: Rose
  • The National Body Challenge, in a round about way, is how I ended up here. I was hoping the Challenge would have tools where I can track food and exercise and interact with others in the same boat. Maybe it's my terrible dial up connection, but I can't get into it half the time, and when I do manage the frustration to look…