

  • Great advice! I have seen a huge difference in my knees since I started. I agree the key is to watch your form and use your butt!
  • I have been on Level 1 for 2 weeks (unfortunately life has taken over a few times). I did 10 days of it and was going to stay put a little longer but think I will try it tonight. I have a feeling I will be back to hobbling around for a few days!
  • Thanks everyone! I am really enjoying doing the shred and the fact that someone noticed makes me feel so much better about the sore legs and abs! lol
  • I have really bad knees and had to start out modifying the jumping jacks, not because I couldn't do them but they hurt my knees so bad. I would just bring my arms up and touch side to side with my feet at the same pace as they do it. I did day 9 last night and I can now do one for every 2 that they do. I know I'm not going…
  • I did day 8 yesterday, had to miss a day because the munchkins wouldn't go to sleep but I really feel great now. I find my stamina and endurance is so much better since I started. I watched levels 2 and 3 last night out of curiousity and I may stay on level one a few extra days till I feel I'm a little more ready. I'm not…
  • I am on Day 8 (or I will be tonight after the kids are in bed) and the first 4 days I could hardly walk but then on day 5 I woke up almost pain free. I haven't seen a huge loss on the scale but in just 1 week my clothes are fitting so much better and I can do almost everything without taking a break. I have really bad…