

  • MFP is not just for weight loss, I have friends who use it just to track their eating habits and watch for the specific nutrients as opposed to just calories, while not worrying about weight at all. MFP also has a tracker for your measurements, so you can use those to measure your progress. Your weight tracking won't be…
  • In regards to this, I have found that there is some wrong information, but I've found that to be true with any other gadget I've ever used. For me, I accept that this happens, and realize that it probably happens every day. So if I continue to work toward improving the numbers, those inconsistencies really don't matter.…
  • Definitely worth the $100, I have had mine since January and it definitely makes a difference in my movement during the day. I work a desk job, and move very little, so I have set little mini goals throughout the day to make myself get up and move (1000 steps by 9, 2000 by 11, etc). I also try to get 10 flights of stairs…
  • True, not a fan on Better Made - and I love Vernors but it's what my mom always gave me when I was sick, so that's the only time I ever drink it now!
  • Wow, lots of Detroiters here! I am in Dayton Ohio now, and we don't really have any signatures, but I was born and raised in Detroit area, just went there this weekend and was hoping for Buddy's Pizza, but my cousins wanted Jet's instead - so not the same! : ( Next time! Had a gyro on Sunday before I left, though!