

  • The cranberry vitamins work !!! Take those instead. I keep a bottle at home at all times. I only take them on occasion, when needed. They are great at preventing infections, but can also help if your UTI is just starting. If it's too late, you definitely need to see the doctor. I haven't had to go to my doctor in a few…
  • Have you tried the Weight Watchers taco soup recipe ??
  • I love pepsi,cookies,chocolate, all kinds of sweets.....mmmm so good. I am down to having only 1 can of pepsi every other day, and sticking to weight watchers ice cream for snacks when I really need it. Well today is just one of those days for me. I did an hour of pilates and an hour of step n sculpt class last night, so I…
  • Try taking one Excedrin. It contains caffeine, so it will help take the edge off and get rid of that horrible headache at the same time. I would only take one each day for a day or two. I used to drink at least 3 cans of pepsi a day, and now I drink 8 glasses of water, no pepsi, no headaches !
  • 1 can Starkist tuna in water...drained 1 tablespoon Miracle Whip 1/2 cup of seedless red grapes (and another half for snacking with the pita) Salt Pepper Mix this all together and put it inside half of a SMALL pita. Only 260 calories
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