SarahFox1118 Member


  • Hi everyone, I'm Sarah. 40, transgender, in an open relationship with my soul mate, no kids and we don't want any of our own. I'm just coming back to MFP and trying to get back on track with hitting my calorie targets... i.e. not eating too much. My girlfriend and I just got new Fitbit Versa 2s but we don't like the…
  • I'm in the same boat. I used MFP for years and then got a Fitbit and started using their community and... things just got lost in the shuffle. Now I've got a new Versa 2 and I'm back on MFP trying the Hiring a Campfire Target program. A lot of my old friends are still on here but it's been so long I want some new buddies…
  • I say by far the best gauge is to calculate your body fat % on a weekly basis. Get some calipers if you don't have any or use this link in the mean time: Weight will fluctuate throughout your day based on food and water intake and waste/sweat/burn,…
  • What do you mean "recovered lesbian"? What did you recover from, having to be 100% straight or 100% gay? Cos GOOD! I'm all about tearing the box apart and just being yourself! Yeah!
  • Here's the manjor con though: Gluten-free food generally tastes like cardboard! Yes, you CAN make G/F stuff that actually tastes good, but it's way easier to make healthy food that isn't G/F that tastes even better!
  • HAHAHA! That rocks! I'm way too busy at work to spend time on here. That's why I had my days logged in reset a few times! Grr! And we're not allowed to check our cell phones either! But I try to log in my snacks during break when I can (if I'm not too busy). But I'm totally open about my fitness goals and really promote…
  • I give a damn! I know how hard it is to eat right and when there's no acknowledgement outside yourself when you do put in the effort, it's really hard to keep it up. That's why I'm on here for myself, and I'm here for others like you.
  • Did anyone find the chest strap uncomfortable? I'd hoped I could find one without a strap, but they seem really rare. I haven't been able to find one. I'm guessing they'd be super expensive, too. :(
  • Absolutely! I drink about 16 oz of water through out each workout, drink chocolate milk recovery drink immediately, then shower and refill another 16 oz of water to sip on afterwards. I'm usually drinking at least 64 oz per day minimum. My biggest trouble spot is food though, so that's why MFP is my best friend right now.…
  • Thanks for all the input. That all really helps a lot. Yeah, I fully intend to invest in a HR monitor as soon as I get my next cheque. I just wanted to know if the 650 average listed in the book was realistic for a general estimate. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't eating way too many calories because I was only burning…
  • Dude. Seriously? Fanny packs are definitely not manly. They're not even womanly, girly, or wimpy. They're just plain NASTY!
  • I'm 5'9" But if I stretch, I can make myself 5'10"! Like a giraffe! Lol! You should see me in heels :P Started this week. Start weight: 174 Current weight: 170 Goal weight: 140 (for now) Doing TurboFire Prep Schedule if anyone's curious. Same user name on