duckcom39 Member


  • I fit it in when I can. I have on;y been doing this program a few weeks. I use my wii for a lot like just dance 1 and 2, sports, fit plus etc. Fish a lot. I do activities that I enjoy and don't consider it working out. i also push mow and hour and a half one to two times a week. I am losing about 1 pound a week. I am…
  • Thank you. can you give me other suggestions of types of food? I have to run a strict diet bc I am allergic to so much and I have diverticula so no nuts, corn, seeds, strawberries etc. I am also lactose intolerant so I dink soy milk. I am also allergic to MSG. That one is a huge one bc it is in a lot of foods. Eating out…
    in rice Comment by duckcom39 May 2013
  • TY I didn't think about the water retention part of that..some great advice from everyone. ty
    in rice Comment by duckcom39 May 2013
  • TY for the advice. I have come under in my salt intake thankfully bc I dont cook with it or use table salt, etc. Sugar is where I run into going over occasionally.
    in rice Comment by duckcom39 May 2013
  • I use it occasionally but diluted 1 teaspoon in a water bottle. It helps me bc I have acid reflux and have kidney issues (like kidney stones, sand in my urine, etc) I was born with kidney issues. So if I had a flare up I drink this mixture once a day for a week.
  • Eating healthy is a challenge especially if you do it alone. :) I'm 40 years old 228. down from 238. I have gone down further but gained back over the years. 3 kids. I know what I need to do but staying motivated is hard. Plus I have health issues and those make it even harder to lose.