

  • I'm a lot younger than everyone else seems to be but I don't think it matters :) As long as we're all working toward a common goal and support each other x I'm 19 years old, 59kg and 5'6". This wouldn't bother me (and certainly didn't bother my doctor) but this was a 11kg weight gain in 3 months - I got quite sick and…
  • I've got one :) I call it my 'thispiriation wall' - I know quite a few girls have one. I cut out magazine pictures of models, famous faces and empowering quotes and they cover my entire door :) it helps a lot, it means when I feel like giving up or giving in, I have to see all these pretty faces staring back at me before I…
  • Hi there, I'm 19 and this is my first time too - I used to be thin, but got quite sick and put on 22lbs :P they say the best way to diet is with friends - so here I am :)