leighshutter Member


  • My favorites are Brooks. Whatever you do, if you are serious about running distance, go to a real athletic shoe store and get a fitting. It makes a true difference.
  • I don't think that's ridiculous, I think it's great! What a great feeling to finally feel like this is a "lifestyle change" and not just another season of deprivation! Good for you!
  • I'm in! I have 3 boys. Identical twin boys, 5 yrs old, and my baby Nic who is already 2! I've waited long enough!
  • Drink a glass of water before you eat every meal. Also make sure to drink a cup of water before and after every workout.
  • My husband was the same way. I have been going on "this" diet and "that" diet for years so when I brought up the subject again he's like, "Whatever." This time, though, I sat him down and had a conversation about what his support means to me. I had to be very specific about what I expected of him (which meant being doubly…
  • Beans are a really great protein source and they're also relatively low in calories and full of fill-you-up- fiber. I have had the same problem in the past and it helped me to eat a handful of raw almonds (about 100 calories) 1/2 an hour before eating. I read that the (good) fat in these nuts helped to turn off your…
  • Hey. Haha! My first reaction was to tell you to use ground turkey instead of ground beef. I always always always use it and my hb (who is a very picky eater) and 3 kids eat it no problem. I sometimes substitute half the meat with cooked lentils or barley or even brown rice to up the fiber and lower the calories in the…
  • You are doing great! Don't let this bump in the road derail your whole plan. As soon as you can (SOON!) get back in there and give it all you got. Look forward not backwards!
  • Kudos to your husband for taking on that duty in the house! It's very refreshing to hear. I agree, though, that you should make more of an effort to get in there and see what is going on. The problem in my house is I have an underweight husband and 3 kids to feed as well. I don't want to serve them "diet food" if I can…