aprilh47 Member


  • im a lb up too, was 3 at the begining of the week.Cant bear to log it. standing at 213 with 41lb down.
  • I made my goals for day 8, under my calories, fastest ever 3k - killed my legs, and booked a night away for me and the hubby for this saturday to try give myself something to look forward to, and hope i feel in better spirit after. I exercise every day in some way so i should be awash with endorphines to lift my mood. I…
  • yesterday went well both food and exercise. I just wish i could do something about my mood. Homemade lasagne using new recipe went down a treat 9.5/10 everyone adding there suggestions to tweak the recipe so should be 10/10 next time we have it. still close to 500 calories per portion but better than my standard recipe.…
  • my goal for 7/100 is just the same. to stay under. evening meal planned going to try a new lasagne recipe hopefully the family will like it as its a favorite high calorie recipe, so hoping this new lower calorie recipe will go down as well. excercise today is fitness kickboxing class.
  • forgot to log my goals for today this morning but im doing good, sticking to my goal both with and without using my excersice calories. which was to be my goal for today not to eat back my caloires burnt as i have done over the last few days.
  • really enjoyed doing the park run this morning, well from about 4k onwards. very please with myself and my time, kept a nice steady pace and did it 38.44 my all time personal best.
  • Met my day 4 goals but only stayed under as i used my exercise calories. So 30 mins swimming paid for my strawberry pavlova. 5/100 goals 1) already met my first goal. Running my first park run 5k. 2) need my first goal to meet my second to stay in the green, Because of my third 3) enjoy my indian takeaway but only eat the…
  • I met my goals for day 3. Walked to school instead of driving. All the way home my daughter kept asking where id parked the car. Stayed well under approx 500 in the green. Main meals for next week planned, food shopping ordered for delivery Sunday evening. 4/100 1) stay under 2) take my daughter swimming
  • I'm all ready for my first one on Saturday (Wakefield). Looking forward to it but not expecting a very good time and expect to be last on the time list. But im seeing as my benchmark to aim to beat next week.
  • i have planned my menu for next week mainly using recipes from the internet. this crock-pot recipe is on the list for Friday http://slowcookertips.blogspot.co.uk/search/label/beef Slow Cooker Beef with Red Wine and Shallots A lovely rich slow cooker beef recipe. Perfect comfort food for cold winter evenings. Servings 6…
  • Achieved my staying under goal for yesterday, but not through the exercise i had planned. And counted all food before eating. So day 2 goals achieved. my goal for 3/100 was going to be to not get on the scales as i have quite a habit of getting on them a few times a day. I find the fluctuation during the day quite…
  • how about money in a jar. That will add up as you loose the pounds. Then buy yourself a target treat. A new outfit for your new bod.
  • stayed under but not through kickboxing, made it out for run, and am happy with what ive eaten, except needing sugar mid afternoon and eating 1/2 packet of fruit pastiles.
  • my goal for 2/100 to plan what i eat, not eat then plan i can so easily have eaten something before i realize what im doing, so im going to try and plan everything. even treats stay under which wont be so hard today kickboxing tonight so will kick in to touch unwanted calories
  • well evening did not go as intended, took my son to rugby, then my daughter to brownies with the intention of a quick 3k run before picking them both up. Went ready to run only to find i had to attend a parents meeting at brownies. So no time left at all. I just managed to stay within my calorie goal by 13 calories - at…
  • im pleased with myself for the start of this challenge, been out for lunch with the OH, and while he tucked into copious amount of pizza hut buffet I ordered a low calorie pizetta, and water. im hoping to get out for a run while kids are at their activities this evening
  • Hi Im April, in from wakefield in the UK. I would like to loose 14lb during this challenge, and plan to be comfortably able to run 5k i can happily do 3k and have done 5k in the past but not even attempted it for a good few month. I plan to loose this weight by running x3 week, swimming x1 a week, then i kickbox and do…
  • ive just registered but dont think i will be going straight away, i havent even done my usual 3k for last 2 weeks have managed to do 5k straight since before race for life in june.
  • mine are on too
  • im going to Portugal, two families one big villa. boy am i ready for it.
  • my goal for this challenge as it stands is 14lb, a pound a week give or take. and i will be happy. However i am going on holiday in october, ive just got to remember healthy choices healthy choices and not to drink to much. Maybe ill have to try running on the beach.
  • thanks ive used your code for you to get your points too.
  • speaking of getting paid, can i ask an opinion please. I reward myself finacially per pound i lose, to buy myself a new wardrobe when i reach my ultimate target. However my sister thinks that i should take out the price of my 3 stone tatoo, and the cost of the new jean i needed to buy a size down from my old ones. I can…
  • 3 more down for me on this weeks weigh in..
  • i can give another 1lb to the total total 161.9
  • hi everyone. My journey started back on the 1st of january, i set myself a rediculously had challenge starting dieting, runnning and stopping smoking all on the same week. At first i couldnt even run for 30 second without feeling like my lungs were going to fall out of my chest. I can now do a steady 3k and am happy with…
  • Day 2, has been another good one for me. Last sunday night i sat down and planned our evening meals for the week, using recipe ideas from allover the internet, and did my on line shopping at the same time. So tonight was pork steak in a mushroom and tarragon sauce. I had to prepare the sauce on my lunch break (i get to…
    in Day 2 Comment by aprilh47 September 2014
  • My mini goal in probably much the same as everyone else to stay the right side of my calorie limit. I am currently trying to shop and cook better. We have been filling our fridge with fresh superfoods but we were buying far to much. And fresh doesn't stay fresh. So now we are preparing good healthy low fat menu and only…
  • hi Im April. Im 37 from wakefield in UK. I have recently found some serious motivation to kick my own butt and make some serious changes and keep moving on my journey. I have just got to my second goal and would like to make my next by Christmas. So would like to loose 17lb. this will also take me to onederland. I have a…
    in Day 1 Comment by aprilh47 September 2014
  • first weekly weigh in after getting back on track for me, and 1 down today.