aprilh47 Member


  • I'm just starting my second year, had started waining in the last few months of last year and started to loose focus, letting myself creep a whole stone on, I'm still down two but ready to get at it. So feel free to add me if you wish.
  • Found this programme very interesting too, I definalty am a constant Craver with a little emotional eater. I know one of my biggest probs is eating something without realising and planing the next meal while still eating the one before. I've tried 5:2 in the past and it doesn't work for me. But I might be able to do 800…
  • Hi I'm April, from Wakefield. I've just realised I've just passed my year anniversary. Quite a successful year two stone down. A year not smoking and regular park runner, this time last year couldn't run for 30 seconds. My challenge this year is Yorkshire three peak challange. Feel free to add if you like.
  • back down to my lowest of 212 yeah, but bet at least one up tommorrow again. im like a humming bird just hovering. thats what i say every day starts at the begining and as long as you stick to the journey you will be there in the end. im now comfortably in next size down, which im happy with. obviuosly with some fluctation…
  • can you hide the rows of the inactive people???
  • yeah, 4lb since last milestone pleased but expect to put it back on next week on holiday. btw had abit of difficulties logging on spreadsheet kept saying i had to sign in. I used my laptop just as i did last time.
  • Did something this morning i have never done before. I went running by myself. It was really windy and atually enjoyed running into it. Managed to increase my speed even and could still breathe and talk at the end. Only did 2.5k. But did another 5k with the hubby tonight. For some reason the 3 & 4 ks were absolute killers…
  • im still stuck, up and down between 212 to 216, no change for ages. going on holiday on Saturday and had really hoped to be down to the next stone before i went. i know food and drink will be a plenty, next week so im just going to take it as it comes, i will accept any gain that comes my way maybe it will give me a boost…
  • oh and today i, stayed under, ran 3k and been to fitness kickboxing. I made satay beef with pilu rice, for tea and wont be using this recipe again.
  • im sick of the scales not been friendly. im floating around the same four pound again, last time i did this it was 3 months before i lost another lb, then i lost 7lb in two months and now nothing again. im stuck between 212 and 216. Im sticking it out, staying within my limits, eating healthy and burning calories through…
  • I've signed myself and my daughter up for charity event for our local hospice. We taking part in the Santa dash running 2.5k around our local lake/water park. So we started interval training today. 1 minute walking and one running. She did really well and was really proud of her effort. By dec 7th she should be able to run…
  • done ok today, 5k this morning nice healthy lunch followed by a very sparse buffet tea at my dads.
  • feel as though i haven't quite achieved everything i could today, but i should really. ate really boring cardboard pizza at pizza hut while hubby demolished the buffet. stayed well under, made delicious meal for dinner and done an hours karate.
  • its been raining in lovely Yorkshire most of the week, and thats fine with me, its getting colder and dark now by 6pm so had to change my running route. i quite like running in the rain rather that than hot sun. I find it refreshing, easier to breathe and not as many people about to critique my running technique or speed.…
  • going good, another day under my limit, another 5k run done, its true that they get easier, i can do it comfortably now i just need to try up my speed a bit, hubby running with me was running backward at one point. Good food day, really enjoyed my tea and made a batch of stroganoff sauce for the freezer as not to let my…
  • unfortunately im back where i started, ive had a really busy weekend. from dropping my daughter off at brownie camp on Friday at 6. we fit everything we could into a child free few days. i did 30 minutes swimming doing 27 lengths, then to cinema with hubby and a kfc takaway. Saturday comprised of 5k run in a nice steady 39…
  • frozen curly whurly, break it up and suck it last alot long and craving settled before you can eat it all therefore can save some for next time. i have made some chocolate brownies today and portioned then up using the recipe calculator to approx 100 calories each portion very chocolaty and definatly hits the spot. i also…
  • any way today i did good, i have a very sweet tooth and made chocolate brownies and portioned them as i would allow myself to have as a treat. Ive never used beetroot in brownies before but they taste great, and as long as the kids dont scoff the lot, i can allow myself a small piece as an when. Stuck well within my…
  • i completely agree, for a long time i had to eat when the opportunity to eat came along due to the nature of my job, and the long hours ment that if i didnt eat when i could then i would get too hungry and blood sugar levels dropped and i would end up eating anything and everything and way too much. This has created a…
  • im still here too, Im staying away from my scales for a good couple of days after getting the fright of my life on monday morning when i had gained 5lb over the weekend. i know this will have been water after the Chinese takeaway and alcohol and sticky toffee pudding i consumed over the weekend but i am refraining for as…
  • im doing ok with both my intake and exercise. Managed a nice comfortable 5k yesterday morning, made me realize im pushing myself a little to much during the park runs on a saturday morning, but its hard not to try for a good time when there is people running at 50% of your time. but i really enjoyed my run yesterday…
  • i had a good weekend eating and drinking and enjoying it. I really needed a positive mental boost to try improve how ive been feeling for the past few months, and it helped a bit. I was definalty good while it lasted. but then it all came crashing back down to earth this morning with a 5lb gain. Probably water retention…
  • i would say the same as most, all the time. I do try to have plenty of natural sweetness with fruit of many varieties and have completely cut out fizzy drinks. but i also allow myself a taste and savor the flavour.
  • i think yes too, i have a long way to go but would consider it if i need it, and the way my tummy hangs i suspect it will be the case. Also a boob lift wouldnt be off the card if needed too.
  • didnt managed to meet my goal yesterday, suspect i was way over ate and drank a little to much and stopped logging at my first glass of wine. but we had a lovely night. today was suppose to be a new day, was careful at breakfast didn't go overboard despite all the lovely pastries and breads on offer i stuck to what i knew…
  • my goal for 12/100 is to log everything. Night away tonight with 3 course meal and wine so expect to go over. As long as i log i can hold myself accountable for every mouthful and enjoy our night away.
  • when i started my journey back in january i took one at the beginning of every month, i did it for the first 4 months of the year, but then i plateaued and stopped when i stopped loosing weight. Since getting back on the straight and started to loose weight again last month i keep intending to take a picture and havent got…
  • when im using my phone i acess MFP through an email i recieve for notifications etc. Anyway day 11 ive done ok, no exercise planned for me, for today figured i should have a day off. Homemade risotto for tea and stayed under.
  • my mum keeps doing stupid expensive dont eat shakes diets and obviously looses 3-4 stone very quickly, as soon as she starts eating properly it goes back on. shes done it every year now for about 5 or 6 years. shes just started again to given herself a boost before she goes on a cruise in 3 weeks and has asked to borrow my…
  • as of this morning i can only record 1 lb weight loss, but im sure i will have lost more, i suspect that my muscles are retaining water as my shoulders, ribs and thighs are still aching therefore repairing and i always weigh more when i ache. goal for 10/100 not to eat any more biscuits there on the side and ive had 4…