Day 13: Sunday, 10-5-14



  • aprilh47
    aprilh47 Posts: 250 Member
    didnt managed to meet my goal yesterday, suspect i was way over ate and drank a little to much and stopped logging at my first glass of wine. but we had a lovely night.

    today was suppose to be a new day, was careful at breakfast didn't go overboard despite all the lovely pastries and breads on offer i stuck to what i knew i could have. Then we came home, and was home alone and hungry eating left overs from the fridge, which was fine till Chinese takeaway appeared with the hubby.

    tommorrows another day
  • everydamnday
    everydamnday Posts: 42 Member
    I hope everyone had a great weekend!

    I'm still struggling to hit my protein goals -_-

    Hit my 10,000 steps both Sat & Sun.
    Week total was 65,000 :-)!

    Stayed within my calorie goals all weekend.

    Starting week 2 of my strength training & loving it.

    Goals for Monday:
    10,000 steps
    Weight train
    Lots of h2o
    More Protein

    Going to relax and watch the Bengals! :-)

    Have a great Monday everyone!
  • rebetha82
    rebetha82 Posts: 125 Member
    Just staying under today and rest :)
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,403 Member
    Here's my plan...

    Exercise 5-6 days a week ... DONE
    pack my lunch the night before ... Will be doing shortly
    stay within calorie allotment ... Working on it
    no trigger/junk foods ...raisins & peanuts...ugh.
    to be at least 132.0 by the time my MOTB dress comes in for final fitting ... Working on it

    Walked with DH for just under 5 miles this morning then brought grandpuppy home and we walked for 4+ miles before it got too hot. I have 10.80 miles and 23,410 steps. I think that's it for today. Gym tomorrow.

    Hope everyone had a good weekend.

  • billr9mm
    billr9mm Posts: 72 Member
    I've been in the house all day yesterday:(, Mother Nature is kinda mean here in WI; yet I managed to get 4000 steps in:)
    Today is sunny so there will be a light 5k hike. Calories are all in check and I can't wait to reunite with the squat rack come tomorrow!!!!
    Have a blast everyone !!!

    Ps. I so love the comment above regarding upping calories and the "activity" setting in MFP. I had a problem like that back in April when I was doing mostly hiit cardio 5 days a week while having a1200 calorie intake: didn't loose any weight but actually gained some. The moment I jumped to over 1600 calories I started dropping lb like crazy. Just a friendly reminder for beginners, if you are active and exercising anywhere from 1-3hr a week your activity setting should be at least set on "lightly active". If you work out about 5 times a week you are "active" ... You get the point. Unless you lay in bed all day you are not "sedentary". I know it's hard being overweight and classifying yourself as active but your current body is changing and it also reflects more on your "past" eating habits than your present ones. My hard rules for exercersize is not go over 4000 calories burn in a week, unless you're a professional athlete! The reason is that, after that level, unless supervised, you begging experiencing cronic fatigue and your stress hormones are on very high levels, recovery is not optimal and you're doing more damage than good!

    Hi, was just wondering how you came up with the 4000 calorie burn within a week? I often wonder, because sometimes I tend to over do it, if there is a max guideline I should be shooting for. Sometimes I get "burnt out" from what seems to be "too much", but I never know what "too much" is until its too late. So is the 4000 just a generic target or is it calculated some way?