kwunder4 Member


  • Hang in there! It stinks that you can't complete the workouts you started, but good for you for sticking with exercise and finding other ways to burn calories!
    in Well.. Comment by kwunder4 July 2012
  • It really does get easier very soon!! I hated my first day and said lots of mean things to Jillian, but by the 3rd day it was much smoother. I'm only on day 5, but I can already get through the workout much easier and am working on moving away from the "modifications" to the full moves. I'm really hoping that if we stick…
  • I started on Saturday, and just finished Level 1 Day 3. Feel free to add me as a friend if you're currently starting and want or can give some support!! I definitely need the extra motivation to get it done, but at least I'm 1/10 of the way through so far and it's going well!