stacilee43 Member


  • @likearadiowave - LOL, exactly! :D
  • Why would I rate anyone by their looks?
  • This is crazy, but my hydration never strays from the range 30.4 to 31.0 no matter how much water I drink and I drink over 80 oz daily. Yesterday, as an experiment, I drank only 24 oz, but my water went up to 31.2, We recently got one of those scales that measures pounds, fat %, water %, muscle mass and bone. Of course,…
  • omg, ME, TOO! My entire life, most fresh fruit and vegies (grrrr, I love fruits & veg), chicken, turkey, shellfish, grains, some legumes...the list goes on and on. It makes healthy eating quite challenging. Sadly, the more processed the food, the less reactions I have. Thankfully, considering my lack of most fruit/veg,…
  • Might as well be injecting the drugs into the baby's veins. Yes, I am blunt. Also, to be blunt, it can easily be construed as endangering the welfare of a child, abuse of a child... Sometimes, I'm all for government "interference" in our personal lives. Similar as the seat belt issue.
  • I agree with the people who say if at all possible, do not deny the urge - EVER! Years ago I found that when I did that, it meant guaranteed constipation later and that pretty much cured me of my fear of public restrooms, lol. My health (actually my physical comfort) is more important than my irrational fear. Nurses say…
  • Me, too, never got 15 unless I used one egg *white only* (no yoke), but then that's not enough moisture to hold them together. I finally got it down to 21 cals per (but I know I'd eat six and it's still very good!). quash - Zucchini, includes skin, raw, 1 cup, chopped 20 4 0 2 1 Cheese - Parmesan, shredded, 4 tbsp 83 1 5 8…