iremonk Member


  • Age: 31 Height: 63.5" SW: 184lbs GW: 135 (for May) UGW: 110 May 1: 139 May 17: 136
  • I read the title of this thread and cringed, thinking it was going to be some fat-bashing crap full of pictures of fat strangers in bikinis being mocked. I am pleasantly surprised. :D :D :D Thanks for this thread, full of hotness. :)
  • I doubt drinking once a weekend is seriously contributing to any issues with weight loss - that's the sort of thing you can plan around if it's really important to you. Of course, if you stop drinking any alcohol and maintain your current diet then that's a little less net input each week so there's something, but it seems…
  • Hi, I just joined today. Nice seeing the community here. I'm 26, 5'4 and 170ish, which is about my highest weight. I have a history of pretty disordered eating behavior so dealing with that slowly has made me loathe to just hate on my body without question, and in fact I'm reasonably comfortable in it right now (decent…
    in Welcome! Comment by iremonk June 2012