evilfairies Member


  • 4 lbs is great! I am at 2lbs now. Any movement in the right direction helps 💪🏻
  • I've been making them for so long that I hardly notice the taste of spinach anymore. But when I started, I had to only put a little bit of greens in and build up my "tolerance" to the taste of it. I haven't tried it, but I've heard carrots are a good veggie to put in smoothies because they're sweet. I think that would be a…
  • Thanks to everyone for your responses! For those asking about the conversation I overheard, she was definitely talking about pain in her feet, so much so she couldn't walk. Like I said, I don't have the details but I didn't get the impression that it was because of her feet shrinking due to the weight loss. I'm sorry to…
  • I'm actually reading the Game of Thrones series (The book series is called a Song of Ice and Fire). I got tired of not being able to watch the show due to lack of HBO, so I decided to read the books instead so I know what everyone is talking about. I'm on the 3rd one now. I've always wanted to get into audio books. Not…
  • Hi new friend! I'm in New England too, MA to be exact. I love walking when the weather is nice, but since it's been so gross here lately, I've been doing videos on YouTube to get me through. TheBodyProject is one of my favorite channels. They have some low impact workouts that are made for people like me whose only…
  • Love this challenge! I've been MIA the past two weeks while vertigo got the best of me, but I'm feeling better now. Starting the challenge a little late but I'll try as hard as I can! Here we go... My name is Erin, I'm 35 years old, and I enjoy long walks on the beach, cozy nights watching Netflix, and spooning my cat…
  • Oh no! How about until you are able to resize it, you wear it on a chain around your neck? That way at least you’ll always have it with you!
  • I love this! Ok @NicoleVT83, I challenge you to do 30 squats today (3 sets of 10 or 2 sets of 15). Good luck!
  • I love the idea of doing vlog for weight loss! It's a great way to keep yourself honest and to help motivate others while you're doing it :smiley:
  • @Mellykay88 I definitely will let you know! I was the same way for a long time... I never really wanted to date, or rather it was something more like I never really thought it was in the cards for me to date, so if you live life thinking that then you don't really miss it. It's only within the past several months that I've…
  • @Mellykay88 @alevans4 @bmeadows380 I know this is a weird thing to say but I actually got a little teary eyed looking at your progress photos. Knowing how hard it is day in and day out, you are all truly inspiring. :heart: Also @bmeadows380 You might not think it's that dramatic because we always see ourselves as worse…
  • I had lost about 75 lbs a few years ago (believe me, I had PLENTY more to lose at that point). But as soon as people started commenting that I looked like I had lost weight, I started slacking for some reason. I didn't purposely say to myself, well I look better now so I can have more brownies for dessert... I think in a…
  • Damn lady! What a difference it's made!!! I agree that it's hard to feel the progress day to day. Now I wish I had taken photos from the beginning too. Keep rocking hard!
  • @rabidhamster87 @bmeadows380 Yeah, in retrospect I should keep my standards where they are haha... I'm talking to someone on tinder now who works at a fast food restaurant at 30 years old and lives with his mom. Even though he's super sweet, I just can't see myself taking over as caregiver for him. I need someone who at…
  • For some reason I've always seen myself ending up with someone named Andy, or Mike, or Ben. Those are the 3 names that most scream "nice guy" to me haha, not that I'd turn any Teds down! @bmeadows380 Haha I will certainly do my best! @theowlbox You know, I had never really thought about it that way! And thinking back, I…
  • @fatoldladyonamission Thank you so much for saying this! You're very lucky to have someone who loves you and stays with you through thick and thin (no pun intended???). Honestly, stories like that give me hope that I will find someone who is not just looking at my physical appearance. I'm going to keep trying until I find…
  • I went on my Tinder date yesterday and it was pretty awkward, and afterwards when I went to send a message saying thanks, I saw that he had already unmatched us. I wasn't nearly as upset about this one as I was with my first Tinder date because the chemistry definitely wasn't there and we clearly weren't a match. The fact…
  • I’m from New England and I don’t even like the pats
  • I’ve been the same my entire life. I’ve never had a serious relationship because of my severe self esteem issues, and the only dates I’ve been on were from okcupid about 4 years ago (one date and that was over pretty quick) and then within the past couple of months I’ve been trying out tinder. Had a pretty bad experience…
  • I just got an Alta for my birthday a couple weeks ago and I wear it all the time! I haven't figured out how to sync it with anything... Once I figure out how to do all of this stuff I'll join you :joy:
  • Yes! I'm in! I don't have a black card unfortunately, it never seemed worth it to pay extra. I belong to the PF in Stoughton.
  • It looks like I have some catching up to do! 10. Favorite music/band? It's hard to answer this question! I love anything from Beyonce to Billy Joel, to Wham! to Guns 'n Roses. 11. Why this time? I have been feeling very lonely lately, so I joined Tinder to see if I could find a match for myself. I went on one date and he…
  • I’m in Easton so not super far from either of you! I’ve had a membership for 2 years to PF and have never even gone. (I used to go when I lived in Walpole but since switching to stoughton I’ve been afraid to start a new gym). But I keep telling myself I’m going to go someday. I also go for walks through a Forresty park, I…
  • I've been losing weight for a while now (slow and steady for sure) but only within the past week have I started seeing actual NSVs. Yesterday, I went to the park and actually ran off and on for the first time in years. And today, when I was grocery shopping, I felt my pants kind of slipping down, which for me is HUGE…
  • I'm so picky about my workout music! I wish I wasn't because it's hard to put together a playlist that I don't get sick of. Right now, I have a lot of pop music: Rihanna, JT, Ariana Grande, Lily Allen, etc. and then some System of a Down, Billy Joel, and other weird things that don't really make any sense to work out to. I…
  • You escaped the never-ending joy of bookkeeping??? (Please tell me your secrets :joy: )
  • 1. Where are you from? I live near Boston, MA 2. What are you currently binge watching on Netflix / Hulu / etc? I'm re-watching Parks and Rec because it always makes me smile. After that I'll probably watch Black Mirror. 3. If you were a vegetable, what vegetable would you be? Brussels Sprouts, because I'm an acquired…
  • WOW! Pretty soon you won't have anywhere else to put them!