maxphia32 Member


  • Just started Chalean Extreme a month ago, and the scale has been slow to move but I lost 13.5 inches in a month. Did you by any chance take your measurements? I think the inches lost is a bigger success then the number on the scale... Good luck! :smile:
  • What does a day look like when you are eating "healthy" - that may help us to find out why you are constantly hunger?
  • Sugar is sugar, but none of us are here because we ate too many oranges, apples, and pineapples... haha With that being said though many fruits have sugar they also have so many other benefits such as vitamins and antioxidants that cake, cookies, and ice cream does not provide. Though you should make sure that you are…
  • Dinner out is easy if they have a menu online you can figure out what you will have before hand and stick to that. Eating over at a friends house is tricky, but if the menu isn't exactly waistline friendly take small servings of all things or try to fill up on salad, broth based soups or veggies if available. If you are…
  • Definitely go see a doctor. You may be getting enough iron and vitamin D in your foods, but your body might not be absorbing them correctly. It could also be vitamin B. A deficiency in vitamin B causes a person to be tired as well. I work in family practice and that is usually the main culprit of lack of energy. You will…
  • Target and Kohl's are always good, but just a thought why not try out the closest Good Will or thrift shop. It still looks like you have some weight you want to lose so instead of buying stuff that won't fit you next year save some money and when you reach your goal you will have more money saved to get your new outfits...…
  • Completely understand how you feel. I just started about a month ago - when I started calorie restriction and exercise I lost 1lb in 2 weeks. I really thought I would see some water weight loss, but no. Now that the month is up I am down 7lbs. Woo hoo!!! Just keep going you will start seeing results soon!!!
  • TOM - time of month I gain anywhere from 3-5lbs. In fact I am up 3lbs from Monday thanks to this lovely time of month!!! :tongue:
  • I have a glass or 2 a wine a week... :smile:
  • I am a snacker so besides having my 3 meals a day, I eat 2-3 small snacks throughout the day. It is my preference and it works for me. If it keeps you on track to graze throughout the day on veggies and healthy snacks then I say to it. There is no wrong way, it is all about calorie deficit. :smile:
  • All the time - weight to weigh the next week and you will be more than happy... :smile:
  • 15lbs is an awesome loss!!! Keep up the good work. I know not seeing a difference at certain points during your journey can be extremely frustrating. I just posted not too long ago about only lose 1lb (I know a lb is a lb, but...) in 2 weeks of working really hard at my diet and exercise. I was wondering what I was doing…
  • Of course I didn't sit around waiting for weight gain. I am just wondering if increasing my calories is really something I should do. I really believe from the way I was eating to the way I am not there should have been a significant amount of water weight lost the first week just like every other time I have started a…
  • Thanks for the reply. I am going to measure myself in a couple weeks to see where I am at. I measured when starting, so we will go from there. Not going to give up at all!!! Just feeling a little frustrated at the scale. I am doing this to become more healthy and fit, so I just want to make sure I am eating the correct…
  • Thanks for the response. I do weigh and measure everything... I don't trust myself not too. :smile: I really think from the way I ate before starting two weeks ago to the way I am eating now I should have at least lost some water weight. I won't rush into anything, but if after a month I haven't lost a decent amount or…
  • I felt that way all the time... When can I stop doing this, but I realized I hadn't found the right eating/exercise plan. I have found a workout program I absolutely love and am eating much healthier. Plus using MFP to track everything has kept me on track. I feel great after my workouts and satisfied with what I am eating…