

  • Good Morning Everyone! :smile: :smile: Hope you all had a great weekend! For those who started from the beginning, well done as of today we have done 4 weeks!!! For the others well done and lets go for another 4 weeks together.:flowerforyou: As you know, it is Monday morning; I think it’s time for some new challenges. For…
  • Hi As you all read just now I was pissed of with myself BUT I have been using the cross trainer in the house since 4 weeks and build it up from nothing to something. Just now I went to a running track. That has been more than a year ago. After the warm up and walking in between I did 3 times 5 min run. It might not we much…
  • Oh NO I gained And just because of that I did the worst thing ... started eating chocolate Now I feel even worse and going out for a jog in a short while. I feel so good when I receive messages with Yeah I lost and than I gain Why did I do that? Oke not having my best day but shouldn't take it out on the chocolate. maybe…
  • Hi Everyone Just a reminder to you all. Did you know we have only 140 days till 1st January 2010???? Who will be wearing that sexy black little dress this year instead of those stretchy pants??? I would :heart: that to be ME!:love: :love:
  • Yes It's great if you can get rid of them because they are simply to big and not old. I am sure others will be very happy them I hope sooner or later I can open that box out of my room stuck there with nice jeans When I see your weight losses I get realy exited, Come on patty I say to my self. I also want to be on that…
  • Thanks All 3 of you have done so amazing great After work today I will do it. I have 3 boxes with clothes that are to small and nearly new Good Luck
  • Hi Again I am sorry to say that i think we have lost 1 or 2 members. Please don't QUIT! Together we can make it work. I really want it to work this time for me! We all have times that we can't post anything. There are plenty of reasons; even I had that last week. Don't forget just to pick it up again I am sure all of us…
  • Hello Everyone Sorry a bit late but here are the results I added in the %of weight loss over the last week and as you can see the overall weight loss % Have a look Last week we lost all together 23.6lb This week we lost all together 12.35lb It's sill a…
  • Hi I would like to hear your opinion. When some of us gain weight shall I update that on our website or enter as no change. If it's me I would want it to be thare but not sure what you guys think Please let me know. Patty
  • Hi Everyone I had a busy weekend and did not log in my food for a few days and sure it will tell me that on friday. Even the exersises I scipped ayah! Thanks for my sons birthday wishes. We had a great party at home. The only sad part was that only 5 turned up from the 10 but thats normal here, but it really irritates me.…
  • Hi Everyone I had a busy weekend and did not log in my food for a few days and sure it will tell me that on friday. Even the exersises I scipped ayah! Thanks for my sons birthday wishes. We had a great party at home. The only sad part was that only 5 turned up from the 10 but thats normal here, but it really irritates me.…
  • Hi It's friday I am on top of the world. It didn't go so well for me but the scale showed me 1.7 pounds less today JHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Hope you guys also have good news My sons birthday party is this weekend and hope to make some nice snacks for THEM It's a pikatu party I am looking forward to it Have a great weigh in…
  • Lets talk about evening snacks What is it you girls eat If I know i will be alone I make my self a small platter with cauliflower, carrot, cucumber, cherry tomato in the center i put a small bowl with yoghurt, raw garlic a bit of salt and pepper low in callorie and nice to nibble on Can you share with me your evening…
  • Hi everyone Even though I haven't lost much. I feel already a lot better. The exercises do me a lot of good. I really want to see a difference on the scale soon but tonight i want to do measurements, I think that there is a change. Have a good day everyone!!
  • And the BIGGEST LOSER this week is....... Dawndamen:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Well done, congrats keep it up! Check it out on:
  • Hi its 6pm had my dinner and still have lots of call left. No I am stuffing my face in a boiled egg, milk and nuts ha ha Now I know this is definitely where I go wrong This is really funny Have to eat to lose Patty
  • Hi Sorry that I can't always enter the figures behind the . Sometimes my system allows me to do it and sometimes not. I will add them on the next week don't worry Holly thanks the challenges are back on. I do them every day.I print it out and hang it up and even cross it off ones they are done. If I skip my son points it…
  • Goodmorning everyone The first week of a new month lets make it a good one! Please pass me all your weigh in from last friday Last night I slipped out a bit. Had a cosy night with my hubby and finished a bottle of wine together. I really enjoyed it. Now monday morning and have to get back on track Lets GO!!!!!!
  • Ok Lets change the weigh in day to friday We stick to this monday, friday again . It's might be a bit much but for others it might be 2 weeks then. Good luck girls Patty
  • Hi everyone We started of as weighing in on mondays but I read that a lot of you doing it on fridays. I don't mind changing to fridays. It would be easier if we do it on the same day. Please let me know who doesn't want to do it on fridays. Waauwh we are in the second week already, I am still exited have a good weekend
  • Hi everyone I cant bring my self to exercise today. My eldest is having high-fever and found out that my mum is not well. So today i give my self a break. Forgot to write down what i ate. A couple of sweets but that's all i think. I will go to bed early, cause i am sure my son needs me tonight. I hope to be back on track…
  • Well done all of you!!! The first week was hard but have to get used to the changes. Angl, you are in green today!!!:wink: Well done Check the Site Patty
  • Hi Yesterday was hard. I set a nice breakfast table for the kids with breadrolls and a french loaf. I had a few slices of the loaf I didn't know that that was loaded with call. For dinner the kids wanted domino's pizza. Ok I made a nice big bowl of salad and only took 1/8 of the pizza. All within my daily call. No what…
  • Hi everyone Yeah when I read that poem I also thought, that sounds like me. Haha Am I the ONLY one here who finds it tough doing the cardio and the challenges? I have done them all but pfjeee with a lot of sweat Yesterday my legs nearly gave up on me so I skipped the cardio. I read here and there that you guys are jumping…
  • Hi Everyone I was not to happy with the first site Everyone had to download this and that I made a new one pfff I think this one is better Let me know what you think Patty
  • Hi Everyone I was not to happy with the first site Everyone had to download this and that I made a new one pfff I think this one is better Let me know what you think Patty
  • Hi Holly Check your mail please Today I am in pain Those lunges really did it I think Pfff can't do anything and to tired to exersise
  • Hi Everyone Trying not to go on the scale to often can be hard. I had it always next to my bed. Now I placed it in a corner so its not the first thing i see in the morning. Once a week should be more than enough. I will enter the weights on monday. Please pass me the details on time If you weigh yourself on friday thats…
  • Hi did them all today but i must say the lunges on each leg were really hard. I had Lasagna for dinner a bit high on call but it could just fit in the food diary. I must say if I eat at home I don't find it to difficult to stay within the given call. I eat all my exercise call and have lots to eat everyday. I am not a fast…
  • Yeah I did them all 40 min cardio was better than that 1 hour the other day, to tired the following day. I have to build it up slowly, that's the secret I think I drank enough water every 3 hours I ate ate all the call I had a great day NOW!! The kids are all in bed, did my housework and now gonne sit down in front of the…
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