
  • Not sure if youv'e been to this site already, but, maybe this will help... you don't necessarily need to go to the gym to excercise. I use this site quite often when looking for new thing to do at the gym. on the left there is a filter.…
  • If you don't mind me askin, why cant you join a gym?
  • Currently, I'm taking Whey Protein for breakfast, and a mid day snack. Preworkout-Shotgun, and post work-synthesize. Found this works great! Next month I'm trying something a lil different... Whey Protein isolate as breakfast and mid day meal. jacked3d for preworkout, and I'll be using a hydrowhey preotein for my postwork…
  • the going rate on how much protein you need is your lean (Muscle) body mass x 1.5. Can't really tell by your picture, but maybe you should try somewhere along the lines of 125-175g of protein (500-700 Calories). But this is such a small part of weight loss. Carbs and fats are another topic all together. Briefly though, you…
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