

  • Hi. I hope you are having a great day! My mother has suffer from asthma for 26 years. For the first 9 years of my life I only saw her occassionally, because she was always hospitalized. A doctor told her to put the "PASPAT" injections. The doctor said he hated doctors that wanted your money instead of your health. You put…
  • WOW.... this was really interesting... THANK YOU!!!! I think I get what this is saying... I think is true because getting used to eating more is a very big challenge... Not only does your body not feel hungry, but also because you get full sooner...
  • Hi... It's good to know I am on the riht track and not alone. I guess keeping up is the challenging part. I am learning a lot from this site. If you have any further advise please let me know. Thank you!
  • Hi. Thanks for replying. Sometimes I don't have enough water doing the day. I really have to work on that.. other days I go overboard. I don't really eat candy, once in a while I eat a piece of chocolate. I been educating myself more about nutritional facts. I found this website that is very informative:…
  • Well, I have been seen by many doctors and all test results come out normal. I have been keeping a food journals and I average between 900-1100 per day including all the condiments. This is the first time working with a Nutritionist and she was told me that I have to increase my calorie intake to at least 1400 per day. I…