bubbersa Member


  • The best way to succeed is to have a plan, so you're well on you way. Very smart, getting the meals sorted all at once. I'd agree that you might want to ease into the cardio. An hour a day is certainly not too much, but it might be a high bar to set for yourself if you're starting from scratch. I'd also throw some body…
  • Yeah, keep going with RICE and take the rest of the week off. Injuries during training suck, but you'll be a lot happier with a shortened training schedule and a healthy foot than with a full training schedule and an injury that won't go away or gets worse. Well done for taking the time off. Hope it feels better soon!
  • I've been a fan of BeachBody programs since I was working on a ship and saw other crew members doing 'crazy workouts' in the gym. I did P90X, even though I never thought I could do it. I surprised myself. That and running have taught me a lot about myself. If you think that p90X is a bit much but want to try something like…