Runner Injuries


I'm just gonna get right to it.

I hurt my foot a few days ago during my run. It swelled up slightly and it felt the bone was bruised.
I felt it wasn't a big deal cause I wasn't in excruciating pain, so I did the whole Rest Ice Compression Elevation, blabla.
"Just gonna take it easy for a few days then get back to it." I limped for a the first two days but on the 4th day I no longer felt any pain, so I took off for a run. During the first 5 minutes of my warm up- the pain came back and I was forced to discontinue the run.

I'm pretty upset cause I'm actually training for a half marathon... but that's my life- disappointments. Lol

Anyway, my question- has anyone had similar pain? I don't wanna call it an injury- cause it's not.
How did you deal with it? How long until you ran again? What can you recommend for a beginner marathoner such as myself?

Thanks everyone


  • lbjess19
    Sounds like a hair-line fracture. Head to a Podiatrist as soon as you can, if that is what's wrong waiting will increase the fracture and have you out of training much longer.
  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    Where's the pain isolated at? Top, arch, toes, ankles , outer part of foot?
  • johnhunter001
    Where's the pain isolated at? Top, arch, toes, ankles , outer part of foot?

    Outer part of my left foot.

    Thanks for replying
  • johnhunter001
    Sounds like a hair-line fracture. Head to a Podiatrist as soon as you can, if that is what's wrong waiting will increase the fracture and have you out of training much longer.

    My symptoms fit the description, Hmmm...

    Thanks for replying!
  • BraveNewdGirl
    BraveNewdGirl Posts: 937 Member
    I had this exact thing happen to me. It turned out to be a severe case of tedonitis in my case. I finally gave in and went to the ER when my foot could no longer fit in my shoe. The doctor put me on crutches for two whole weeks, I kid you not.* A couple of days of RICE just isn't enough for most injuries and you are, indeed, injured. Heed your body's warnings and stay off that foot for longer (and see a doctor if the pain persists after a week or so)!

    *Of course, I suck at using crutches, so I just ended up hopping around on one foot.
  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    I would get an x-ray just incase. How are your shoes? good shape worn out? I found my outer foot pain was due to a improper shoe and my foot would role out onto the edge.
  • BraveNewdGirl
    BraveNewdGirl Posts: 937 Member
    Yes to an X-ray! It could definitely be a hairline fracture and those are no joke either!
  • johnhunter001
    I would get an x-ray just incase. How are your shoes? good shape worn out? I found my outer foot pain was due to a improper shoe and my foot would role out onto the edge.

    I was thinking it could be the shoe- they're not worn out but they are 6 months old and I do have big oblong feet haha.
    Still, the foot hurts without the shoe
  • johnhunter001
    I had this exact thing happen to me. It turned out to be a severe case of tedonitis in my case. I finally gave in and went to the ER when my foot could no longer fit in my shoe. The doctor put me on crutches for two whole weeks, I kid you not.* A couple of days of RICE just isn't enough for most injuries and you are, indeed, injured. Heed your body's warnings and stay off that foot for longer (and see a doctor if the pain persists after a week or so)!

    *Of course, I suck at using crutches, so I just ended up hopping around on one foot.

    You're probably right. I'll wait it out a bit longer and see how it plays
  • bubbersa
    bubbersa Posts: 3 Member
    Yeah, keep going with RICE and take the rest of the week off.
    Injuries during training suck, but you'll be a lot happier with a shortened training schedule and a healthy foot than with a full training schedule and an injury that won't go away or gets worse.
    Well done for taking the time off.

    Hope it feels better soon!
  • johnhunter001
    Hey everyone!

    Got X-rays done today. Doc says there's no fracture and that it's either a slight strain or bruised bone- like I had expected.
    Foot still hurts as I walk on it but I'm gonna stop babying it today and get at least 1 mile in today.

    Thanks to everyone who replied. I'm gonna go back to being a beast now. Lol