

  • Hello to all! Feel free to add me, as I need all the motivation I can get! I'm a 27 year old RN currently living in Lexington, KY. My husband is a PhD student in English literature at UK. We tend to move around a lot with him in grad school. Since moving away from home (home is Michigan for us), I've gotten a bit lax about…
  • Hello to everyone! I'm getting my stats in just under the wire. I'm not about to try to post a pic (knowing me, it'll all be a bunch of random code). Here are my stats: Female, age 27 Height: 5'3.5" Current weight: 157lbs. Challenge Goal weight: 142 lbs. Total Goal weight: 128lbs. I'm aching to get back to the weight I was…
  • Hi and welcome to MFP! I'm not exactly new, I joined last year and was good for a couple of months before life got in the way (isn't that the way it always starts?) I've found that once I'm at the gym, I'm good. I'm in the zone and I feel amazing after a good workout. I've also found that if I have a plan to meet someone…
  • Welcome back! It was pretty much the same story with me. I joined awhile ago and then family stuff got in the way and out went the gym workouts and healthy eating habits. But I'm back as well, a fresh start for a new year. Feel free to add me if you want a motivation buddy or just someone to bounce off ideas with. Good…
  • Welcome back! I myself kind of fell off the wagon last year. I joined in June and was doing really well when we had some family issues to deal with and I kind of let myself go again. But I'm back to get healthy and lose some weight in the process! I'm 27 and work as an RN. So I figure, I should practice what I preach and…
  • Welcome! I actually joined back in June of last year and then had some family issues, so I kind of let my eating habits go back to crap. But I figure, new year, fresh start! So I'm back on MFP and really watching what I eat and actually using that gym membership I've been paying for. Feel free to friend me and we can keep…
  • I'm just starting out on my goal of losing about 20 lbs, but great job! You look fantastic! Keep up the good work. :)
  • I am not a runner by any means, I joke that I am allergic to running. But I just finished day 1 of c25k today and I feel great! Just make sure to not go too fast, I did my runs at a slow to medium jog. I'd recommend getting a kick butt playlist and really getting in to it. Feel free to add me and we can swap c25k stories.…
  • Hey jonesy! I am like, the biggest HP nerd on the planet! I'll add you for sure and we can motivate each other. :) I'm currently in the process of rereading the series, I got the UK editions for Christmas this past year, so of course I'm comparing to the US editions to see if they really are different. So, instead of…
  • Hey all, newbie here! I'm from Livonia (woot woot!), but the hubster has just made it his life's mission to move us around as much as possible while going to school, so we're in Lexington, KY right now. But I miss MI!