

  • I, too, would love the answer to this ha.
  • PARTS OF MY PREVIOUS POSTS " If mayonnaise is not something you want to get rid of, look for healthy alternatives, such as mayonnaise made with olive oil or LIGHTER VARIATIONS of the condiment." "Yes, it is high in calories. And people can over eat while using mayo because its not portioned." "Mayo is fine for some people…
  • There is nothing you just said i dont agree with. Fat is not bad. Calories are not bad. Nothing is really bad, its the proportion size im talking about!!! Why is that not being understood. Pizza isnt bad, if you have one slice...Burgers arent bad, if you have one. THATS ALL IM SAYING!! Just like mayo, you could have a…
  • Some of you are taking what im saying too literally. Im just trying to say, since we are all trying to loose weight, i thought it would be wise to say... if you make a 200 calorie sandwich and you put 50 calories of mayo on it, mayo isnt really a food that fills you up. You could have some kind of fruit or veggie that is…
  • Really...Just go eat what you want. These forums are for opinions, not arguments. If you miss the point, you miss the point thats fine. Good luck, that's all.
  • Yes, it is high in calories. And people can over eat while using mayo because its not portioned. There are fat free options that people dont use. Mayo is fine for some people when proportioned. That is all. Everyone has there own mindset and won't listen to other peoples opinions. That's fine. Eat what you want, just…
  • JUST PUTTING THIS OUT THERE. If you do your research, you would be surprised. Just like this statement says, there are other options. Not all mayo is completely bad, make your own, fat free or sugar free...it just depends. Mayonnaise can contain many calories, much more than other condiments, because it is high in sugar…
  • To me, mayo is fatty and heavy. Thats MY opinion. I don;t like the taste or the texture or how it makes me feel when i eat it. I would rather eat a cup of fresh fruit, didnt mean fruit cup since most have the syrup in it. And honestly, it really does make a difference cutting mayo. It may be just about the calories to some…
  • True. But why waste calories on a little mayo when you could have a fruit cup and feel better about your self. Personally, when i eat heavy foods i feel like i had a bad day. Whatever works for you, works for you. Im just saying, for me, id rather not feel like im eating pure lard when i could eat fresh fruit and feel…
  • If you type "if you cut out mayonnaise will you loose weight?" on google every response says absolutely. Replace mayo for mustard. Mayo may have benefits as some of you people are saying, but in the long run, if you just dont eat it, it will make a small difference in weight loss.