

  • This is what I do. Im diabetic and feel horrible after I eat all the carbs in a Subway sandwich. Like you we live in a small town and there aren't a whole lot of options. I have them scoop it out and it really does help a lot!
  • it had been months of dieting before my kids noticed. My oldest was 14 at the time and he had got into my wallet for money and saw my drivers license. he this doesn't even look like you anymore! it wasn't THAT old of a picture but it sure made me feel good!
  • we were running late this morning so I pulled into McD's and bought my kids breakfast---i wanted something SOOO bad but I bought a SF vanilla iced coffee (60 cal) instead. This is my first week back and its been incredibly hard but i didn't give in!
  • I was told I was Type 2 diabetic a year ago. I changed my diet and started MFP. I did awesome and lost 58 lbs. Life got busy and I stopped logging my food and I got lazy. Slowly I had gained back 10 lbs and could not get myself back in the routine of dieting. I had to go back to my dr for a check up and she told me my…
  • Ive been a SAHM for almost 15 years. Now all my kids are in school but it seems Im still extremely busy. We live away from family and it does get pretty lonely here at times. I call my sister to chat about once a day. My husband is a salesman so when he gets home he doesn't like TONS of chatter. He listens but I know he's…
  • i take metformin for blood sugar issues. I changed my diet as well when I started taking it and have lost 50+ lbs. I can't say it was the metformin but def a combo of that and diet. The only problem I have with metformin is at first it took a while for my stomache to adjust--when I ate better I had fewer bathroom issues.…
  • i take Bontril
  • I have lost a lot of weight by diet and excercise but then I got off course. I wasn't making the best choices and found myself to be in the rut of drinking way too much diet soda. THAT seriously detours my weight loss. I went to my doctor yesterday and we talked about how I gained a bit (less than 10 lbs mind you) but how…
  • Age-32 5'2 SW-278 CW-227 GW--175? 160? 150? I won't know til Im there! Find me twin!
  • The scale moved!!!! I was 233 and this morning the scale said 231.2
  • Thanks--Im willing to give it a shot! So far what Im currently doing isn't working and I gave it a month.
  • In the beginning of my journey I had over 100 lbs to lose. I put in all my information/ 2lb loss a week and got the calorie goal of 1310 a day. That worked for me! I was losing at a steady rate. Then MFP reset my calories as I lost to 1200 I stalled. I think I have lost 1 lb this month but have lost and gained the same 3…