

  • When you're on a low-carb diet your strength will likely be reduced. You may find your lifting capacity has decreased. As far as I know though, endurance activities like cardio are generally not adversely affected by such a diet.
  • For everyone complaining about disgusting protein shakes, try buying the unflavoured version and then adding a couple scoops of hot chocolate/nesquik.
  • Yeh it's very difficult to gain muscle and lose weight at the same time. It's more a case of reducing the amount of muscle that you lose. I'm on 55% carbs, 25% protein and 20% fats at the moment with a somewhat similar goal to yourself. Works great for me and it's quite easy to keep to as its not that far off the average…
  • If you get annoyed by those slight gains you should probably just limit yourself to once a week. Understand that weight can fluctuate for a great different number of reasons. Me personally, I weigh myself every morning and then take a 5 day moving average. Makes more sense than only weighing yourself once a week which…
  • You ever thought of writing erotic novels? :laugh:
  • Just to be clear, you're walking and not running on the treadmill right haha?
  • In general, yes. Your calorie goal determined on MFP takes into acount both input and output outside of your regular calorie expenditure (from just sitting around). So if your workout takes you 300 calories under your goal, you'd want to be eating about 300 calories to make up for that.
  • For reference, 15% body fat is not 'carrying plenty of fat'. It is perfectly healthy and actually well below average for American men. Bear this in mind. Of course if you're not satisfied with your current levels of definition, you will have to lose a little body fat. In response to your actual question, yes it is likely…
  • You could be nearing your TDEE given that you have lost weight. Measure it again and then re-evaluate what your calorie goal should be. You may well need to reduce it a little.
  • The slower you lose weight, the more easy it will be to retain your lean body mass. Given that you only want to lose 9lbs, somewhere between 0.5 and 1 lb loss per week would be fine. Also, make sure to get enough protein! Protein is essential in sustaining your muscle mass and what's more, high-protein foods are often…
  • 1g of protein is 4kcal, not 1. So 25% of a 2000kcal diet would be 500/4 or 125g of protein.
  • Really? 1%? I have never heard that before. Do you have a link for where you read that?
  • I'd also agree with this. Nevertheless, are there not any quiet residential areas near where you live?
  • As long as you use good form and sensible weights (and don't have any pre-existing back conditions) I don't see any reason why everyone in the world shouldn't be doing deadlifts!
  • Strange that you are noticably more defined in your left arm despite being right handed. Could well be the carrying of your toddler (if you do it a lot). That last part of your post suggests to me that maybe you've not been working your right arm hard enough. Does your right arm burn during your workout? Try increasing the…
  • Haha. But seriously, that is not normal as far as I know... If the problem continues, try consulting a web doctor or better yet, a real doctor!
  • I think Jefit is excellent, for both beginner and intermediate lifters. There's no need to get the paid version either, the free version has pretty much everything you need.
  • Once again though, I'd stress:
  • In my opinion, if you are regularly nauseous during your workouts you are pushing your body too hard. Try progressing a little more slowly. As for the food, try having a meal rich in low GI carbs about 1-2 hours before your workout. Since you're talking about a morning workout, how about a big bowl of all bran cereal with…
  • No... Don't starve yourself. If you go way over one day, try to balance that out over a whole week. So for instance, if you ate 600 calories over one day, try to eat 100 calories under for the rest of the week.
  • It's your birthday! Celebrate! Don't feel bad about going way over your target once in a while. Everyone does it. A lot of people even have Sunday as their designated 'cheat day' :D Just make sure to get back on track afterwards, making smart, healthy choices.
  • OK if you are intent on using a protein power, I would recommend They are a UK based website and have the best prices on the web! Whats more, if you find a site with a better price for a same or very similar product, they will beat that price by 5%! Have used that website for a while now, can't…
  • I don't like women with properly defined abs (like kierstin's, sorry haha!). Don't get me wrong, I'm no chubby chaser, but I prefer smooth stomachs rather than ripped stomachs. I just think they look... wrong. But that's just me and my personal tastes. To be honest, I don't think a real washboard stomach looks good on guys…
  • Yeh I understand the workings of the ATP-PC system, but 3 minutes rest is enough for pretty much 100% recovery of PC stores. 5 minutes seems excessive, especially when you talk about circuit training where you are working different muscle groups during consecutive exercises. As I understand it, PC stores are local (unlike…
  • If its only a slight burn, maybe it is a 'good burn' from working your muscles hard? I don't know, have you worked out regularly before? Otherwise it could be a muscular imbalance between your shoulders and chest. It's very difficult for me to say though. Do you only get this pain on incline presses or do you get it during…
  • 10/15 minutes sounds great for someone who has just started running! Just increase it slowly, only as much as you feel comfortable. As a suggestion, maybe increase it by 2 minutes every week. If you feel you're pushing yourself too hard, cut back a little. If you feel you're not pushing yourself enough, try running for a…
  • Drinking 1.5 litres of water a day is still enough to make some degree of water retention possible. How far are you into your programme?
  • Ah OK, I thought you were referring to standard weight training, my bad. In that case, you see people rest for 3 minutes between stations in a circuit? Wow haha... And I'd agree that the article was maybe worded somewhat poorly, if you achieve your goals and upon re-evaluation are still happy then obviously maintenance is…
  • I'd agree with what most people have said about 'whatever works for you'. I'd also suggest it depends upon your goals. If your main goal is to improve your cardio, do cardio first to get more out of it. If your main goal is to improve strength, do weights first.
  • What exactly do you mean by pressure? Whereabouts in the shoulder? Pain is often an indicator of either starting off with too much weight (it could be that your shoulders are underdeveloped in comparison to your chest, your anterior deltoids are used during a bench press) or poor form.
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