learntolive Member


  • Retirehappy, I love to travel. We don't do much in the winter because of the weather. This my we are taking a Caribbean Cruise, the only other cruise we have taken is Alaska inside passage. We also take a vacation in September, not sure where yet.
  • HUGE CONGRATS TO YOU, CHARLIE! Very encouraging for the rest of us! My blood work came back good also. Dr. lowered my Synthroid dose. Cholesterol is a little high--always is because my HDL is very high. Last Dr. did not put me on meds. Hope this one does not either. She said to watch diet and exercise more (I think I am…
  • I am grateful for a good car w/4 wheel drive to get me to work safely in the snow.
  • Rose, how sweet! Good for you! Well I'm allowed to walk 1/2 mile this week. It is 4:45 a.m. We got some snow here in Louisville, KY. I turned down the room at the hotel that was offered, got up early, allowed 1 hour to drive in. Got here, have walked my 1/2 mile and did my neck exercises. Will do my floor routine and…
  • Today I am grateful for a relaxing day at home.
  • Thank you Charlie, Happy Valentines Day everyone!. Went to the doctor today to get blood work done for Thyroid, Vitamin D and B12, as well as for a Biometric Screening for a Wellness Program I am doing at work. I was really nervous about the scale, I always weigh more at the doctor. But as Wooken said the other day "the…
  • I go to the doctor tomorrow for blood work for my thyroid and also for a biometric screening that is required for work with the wellness challenge I am doing.
  • Welcome PhotoPat! Don't give up. Weight tends to hang on to me also, then finally starts to drop off==but slowly. It sounds like you have a good workout and eating plan. Hang in there. Debneeds2- wow! 141 days to retirement. I've got 18 months, and looking forward to it. Hope you have success with the 15 lbs. Joni
  • I'm Joni. Loved the fireworks retirehappy!
  • Hi Mangotango, Welcome, this is a great group--lots of support and encouragement. I'm grateful for the beautiful sunset last night, and some of my co-workers. They are being supportive w/an family issue from Christmas. That is what started me eating again and I kept it up thru the month of January. Gained 4 lbs. Happy to…
  • Welcome barbann1948. You will get lost of encouragement here, and it helps so much. Joni
  • Doctors can be wrong. Maybe he will end up diabetic, but IF he continues to follow a diabetic diet and exercise, as Joan said, it could take years. Is your husband discouraged and want to give up his efforts, or did it just hit you wrong. Some of the females in our family have a bad gene that can cause heart attack and or…
  • Chris, did you end up with a sinus infection? A coworker lost her sense of taste and smell years ago and still has not gotten it back. Hope that goes away and you feel better. Linda--(I do to). It has taken me years! honestly to get serious, and I still fall off the wagon! I finally have a good eating program, that taste…
  • Joan, when you got home did you step on your scale to see if it agreed with the gym. If so, the weight you are getting at home is correct. I always weigh more at the doctor with my close on, mid day, etc. but I checked it out w/our scale at home and it agreed, so I just do not pay any attention to what the doctor scale…
  • You all are giving me lots of encouragement. The scale is starting to budge. Having a good week, finally on track.
  • I freeze cold cuts. They are fine. MYRTBBK I eat a protein bar every morning for breakfast and keep one in my purse in case my sugar drops. They are high in trans fats, so keep that in mind. I'm in the challenge. Thanks for getting it going. I am riding an exercise bike 25 min. this week, increasing 5 min every week. Also…
  • wow! I never tell what I weigh, but I need to jump in on this because I'm finally getting serious. I had a rough January, gained 4 lbs!!! So this month I'm starting at 175 lbs, riding the exercise bike 25 min. daily this week, 30 min. next week, can start walking the following week 1/2 mile for a week, increase to 3/4…
  • Mxchana, congrats on the BMI! That is fantastic. And Dream you are really making progress. I'm happy for you. I'm grateful for my change in attitude. I've been in the dumps, had a rough January, did not feel well, ate too much, gained 4 lbs!!! So disappointed. But I've started doing the exercises I'm supposed to do for my…
  • Thanks for the great lead in for the February Chat, great valentine. Chrisbtrue, hope you feel better every day. Mx, your little visual is cute also. So entertaining and uplifting
  • I'm grateful for our wonderful church and a fantastic message
  • Welcome, Bettikins! Congrats to all above that have reached their goals. I'm grateful my ankle is doing better and does not hurt any more. Have to take the exercise s-l-o-w.
  • That is the best way to do it.
  • I use my tablet mostly to log my food. Sometimes it doesn't. Then MFP starts my daily count over. I'm on a 20 day streak. I've made the streak a challenge. I try to log on my break at work. I'm trying to make it a habit to read a couple of posts daily. If I'm on hear reading, I will log also. If I get away from logging for…
  • And welcome to you verptwerp. Good for you for losing and keeping 45 lbs off!!!And good for you for getting after it before you gained any more. This is a good group. You will get lots of support and suggestions. You can friend me if you want, but as I just stated above, sometimes I get busy and don't answer if a few days.…
  • Hi f++widow (I just cannot call you f++). I also was widowed 17 years ago. That is such a difficult ordeal to go through. I quit smoking 27 years ago, but this food plan life path is a different set of circumstances. I gained 30 pounds 10 years ago after my daughter told me she was expecting a baby. She had a long history…
  • Welcome Pearl, you have come to the right place. You will get lots of encouragement here. I really want to encourage you to follow the advice the doctor gave you so you don't get hurt. Pain is awful. I went gung-ho the first two weeks of the year walking 10,000 steps a day. I reinjured my ankle. Now I can ride a stationary…
  • Good for you for being honest. I like wine myself, but, found it was adding calories I really could not afford. Try to think of something that might make a difference. I got in bed, sat up, had a glass of wine. When I gave up wine, I got in bed and lay down!, watched TV and went to sleep. It helped. Changing my habit…