learntolive Member


  • Welcome. I've joined before and stopped. When I don't log or correspond with others, I gain. Started a wellness group at work today, so, again, giving it the gusto. Had a rough 3 past weeks, have not followed my plan, detrimental to me. Hang in there. Congrats on the 30 lbs!. Hang in there and you will get more off.
  • Hi everyone, Time for me to get serious again. I've gained 3 pounds since Christmas. I made it that far, then fell off the wagon. I have not been working my eating plan and I know I need to. So, I'm back on track. You all seem to have what it takes to stay on track. It is very encouraging to read all the posts.
  • I picked up two pounds over the holidays. I didn't weigh in today. I'm giving the rest of my Christmas goodies to my son-in-law so I won't have that nagging urge to indulge.
  • Hi IceyKw, it's 15 degrees here, going to 0 tomorrow will be in the - with the chill factor. Sweets are my downfall also. I made my trail mix for Christmas and forgot to pass it out to the family, have lots left over as a result. I love it and struggle to leave it alone. I'm going to dinner for my granddaughter's 10th…
  • Welcome PKG. Have you talked to your doctor regarding an exercise program. The best thing for arthritis is to walk, but take it slow and easy. Short walks to start with and build slowly. My problem arthritis is in my thumbs and left ankle. I had a brace made to fit into my shoe and it works!!! This year I started doing…
  • I enjoyed the holidays this year more than ever! Planning to stick with my eating plan and doing 10,000 steps a day in January. I'm turning 65 this year and retiring in 20 months. Joni from Louisville, KY
  • I am grateful that I feel at peace even thought all is not perfect. My daughter and her husband have a financial mess, one of my grandsons was a little disrespectful on Christmas. But, I realize what I can do and what I cannot. I did 10,000 steps yesterday and have 1,200 to do today to reach my goal. And I will do it!
  • Hope you enjoyed the holiday with the family. Happy New Year. I was not logging for about a week also. Back at it. Did Leslie Sansone Walk Slim 3 Fast Miles.
  • So Cute! Happy New Year. Just did Leslie Sansone Walk Slim 3 Fast Miles!
  • I love these creative posts. They are very entertaining. I stayed the same. Happy about that with all the tempting goodies. Congrats to those that lost!
  • Joan, so glad your mother-in-law's passing came quickly. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Kathy, what a joy to have your hearing! Charlie, great news to share with your friend. I'm sure he was relieved he must be. I saw a friend I had not seen in a long time, he had lost a lot of weight. I praised him, then…
  • My hat is off to you bvifun and gmcharlie! Good for me to read this today, with a party tonight and two tomorrow; lunch and dinner! If you did it, I can too. I will remember your posts, that will encourage me. Thanks for that! Joni
  • I am grateful I am not as sore as I thought I would be. Slept great, good day at work. Found a new doctor yesterday that I liked. And voted on a union contract that really doesn't matter to me, I only have two more years until retirement. Life is good.
  • <3 Today I am grateful for my job. It is a very busy physical job. We lift, carry, bend, push, pull, move in all ways. That comes in handy for me today, I fell walking from our bedroom to the kitchen. We have put the tree up in the greatroom. With that we moved a chair that takes up part of my path to the kitchen. It was…
  • I love Christmas and the entire holiday season. Thanksgiving was wonderful, day after took four grandkids to Children's Theater for Christmas Play and lunch, yesterday took two grandkids to movie. Lots of gatherings coming up. I've got the house decorated. Plan to exercise everyday this month. Not putting a step limit on…
  • Way to go Jean!. I've been weighing in faithfully and not showing any loss. Today, I am down 4 lbs.! I am thrilled. It is beginning to show a little bit. I'm not sure if I was misreading the scale, or not seeing it clearly. I did get new glasses on Sunday--and I really can see with them. The last pair was not so good. I…
  • Planning my food in advance helps me the most. I can enter what I'm planning to eat, if I'm over, I can tweak it before I eat it.
  • Here! Looking forward to the holidays. Put my Snow Village up last week. Got my Christmas Dishes out yesterday. Thanksgiving evening the Sons-in law and nephews carry up the rest of the decorations for Christmas.
  • Too cute Wooken3
  • I met my husband's cousin when she was 98. She was in a nursing home. Her daughter had put together a photo album of her home. Pictures of the outside, backyard, each room, items of furniture her mother really liked. She had me look through it and told me about her life. It was a wonderful visit. She died a few months…
  • Too cute, Wooken. I didn't gain or lose, but I am sticking with my plan.
  • How uplifting! I am grateful for my good health. A very good friend had her first chemo treatment for lung cancer yesterday. I got an e-mail from my sister telling me my 60 year old cousin died of a heart condition. I grateful for this uplifting site.
  • Congrats to all who lost or stayed the same. I stayed the same, but not getting discouraged. That's improvement for me.
  • Nice post for the Veterans Wooken. We went to my granddaughters school for a Veteran's Day Program. It was wonderful!!! Very moving experience. Weighed in this morning, stayed the same. Not going to let it get me down. Saw a great movie, "St. Vincent". 9,200 steps today. Wish I had realized I was that close to 10,000. Too…
  • Lost 2 pounds this weigh in. Thrilled about that. Deb, GREAT NEWS on the pants!
  • Down 2 pounds today. This is my fourth week and I've lost 2 lbs. every week! That is a record for me! I have really stuck to my eating plan. Everyone is doing really well also. Feels good doesn't it?
  • Managed to get thru Halloween without any candy, had company for dinner last night and kept to my plan. Hope to log in everyday this month and to keep to my eating plan. :D
  • Wow! Great posts. I'm down 6 pounds since I started eating right. Best success I've had in years. MPF only shows me down 1 pound (that's because it didn't advertise that I had gained 5 pounds. Going to dinner tonight. Planning to skip candy tomorrow night and stay with my plan. B)
  • I need some encouragement also. If you still need friends, I think we could be good support for each other
  • I'm back again. This is my third attempt to "learntolive". I think I really got it this time. This is my second week back on a good healthy eating plan. I've managed to keep my calories to 1,200 daily, which I really never really could do before. This time, I log the food I am going to eat the next day and get my calorie…