hollybygolly316 Member


  • I've been heavy my entire life, and I look at my "thin" friends, and the simplest things that no one else (unless they're as big as me) tend to think about motivate me to lose the weight. Here are just a few that I personally use: 1. Being able to climb a flight of stairs without my legs getting sore or getting winded. 2.…
  • I appreciate your honesty and suggestions, but at the same time, it is a little discouraging to have someone who has probably never been even half my weight scolding me like I'm a lazy child. If you read some of the previous comments, you would see that I said I have completely cut out fast food (i.e. McDonald's, Arby's,…
  • I do see that I have a lot of sodium in my diet, and the sad thing is that it was way higher before I started this, because of all the fast food we used to eat. I basically eat the same thing for breakfast and lunch and generally dinner on the weekdays, because I am working full-time, and it's convenient for me. I've seen…
  • Ok, I think I have the privacy setting right now, so you should be able to see my diary. Any tips are appreciated.