

  • I have an eating disorder and I can tell you being at an unnaturally low weight is complete hell. After I crossed a certain threshold I stopped menstruating, and I lost interest almost everything. It's not a good look to try and attain; I would much rather be back at my normal or slightly above normal weight. You can…
  • You really shouldn't be worrying about "getting back to your pre-binge weight". Here are the facts: 1. you are at an underweight BMI/ not weight restored 2. losing weight while underweight is not a smart decision, not matter what the reasoning 3. consulting a weight loss forum while you have an eating disorder in order to…
  • This is awful, awful, advice. Most people maintaining after an ED have severely disordered hunger cues, and it is of the utmost importance that you don't interfere with your body and mind's healing process. Restricting, calorie counting etc. can lead to relapses and confusion about food and food choices. Your eatopia is a…
  • you need to be careful, when i was that weight (similar height) I stopped menstruating : x
  • I can give up my fats, I can forgo red meat, hell i can even skip on the sweetened hot beverages on a winter's morning but i would sooner give up my soul than the taste of fresh sourdough ciabatta ;_; that said i would probably prefer no bread over gluten free alternatives... sorry not a fan : (! they are a tad brick like