

  • Hi Sue...I felt like I had hit a wall too but once I looked at my reports - each individual one over a 30 day gave me some ideas on things I could do to help me bust through my wall....AND it helped me to see that although I was gaining and losing all month long....over all I maintained a good balanced weight…
  • ....and I'm drinking 90 oz of water a day.
  • I'm feeling discouraged too...but I'm still keeping on keeping on....basically I started this journey almost two weeks first week, the scale said I lost 4 pounds, then I jumped on the scale today (my 2nd week) and it said that I gained back those 4 pounds plus 2 more pounds....Grrrrrrrrr. I've been exercising…
  • I'm starting my 2nd week and started out the day the same way you did.....I measured myself and found that I lost 1.9 inches in my first week.....I was also weighing myself every couple of days including this morning and got really discouraged.....until measuring myself...I did great all week on my calories and exercise…
  • Hi name is Gina Blanton...I'm a Tally local....looking to meet like minded people who might want to meet up for a walk after work or on the weekends at Tom Brown or anywhere else that has a good exercise route for cardio...maybe some raquet ball, walking, stretching, that kind of thing. I just signed up on…
  • Thanks girl....and the barcode scanner thing is SO AWESOME - download myfitnesspal on your smart phone....then when you add foods to your tracker...instead of typing them into the the scanner icon next to the search icon and then a barcode scanner thingy pops up on your smart phone....looks like…