If I can't hold a conversation with her about temporal mechanics, theologey or stuff that requires intellect, I lose interest quickly. Only those who push me, hold me in one place.
Not technically my other half, but probably my better half. I had gone through heart ache, so had she. We had known of each other for years, never thought we would be so connected so absolutly perfect for each other. She makes me laugh so hard sometimes my sides hurt. We finish each others sentences, say things at the same…
His real name is Leonidas... but I call him Leo..
I can't really say, she is irresistible in about anything she wears. That being said a silk robe and sexy underwear would be phenominal...
About 8 months ago, I had to have my gall bladder removed. Once that happened eating meat was a disaster. Those who don't have a gall bladder can probably relate. I also took it as a sign from my body that my life style needed a change. So with practically no support, I stopped eating meat. My guy friends ridiculed me for…