

  • Hi, I know this is gonna sound horrible, but this is a proven fact. Stay between 1200cal and 1500cal to lose between 2-4 pounds a week for the first 10-15lbs. After that it will slow to a crawl it seems like, but don't get discouraged by the scale. Just because you didn't lose a pound or maybe gained a pound that week…
  • I started back because of how my health was affected by the weight gain. After being hurt in Iraq I gained about 70lbs. The VA told me that if I didn't do anything about it I would be put on medication for blood pressure and cholesterol. So I lost a little weight here and there, but never really got serious about it. I got…
  • I'm new to this, but I am not new to working out and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I used to be 180 lbs, 5' 9" and around 6% body fat. Then my life to a change for the worse when I was hurt in Iraq on my last tour. I got all the way up to 250 lbs and 32% body fat. The VA takes care of me medically and they told me I…