

  • I wouldn't be surprised at all if you aren't eating enough. I am part of a team that promotes a health challenge in Omaha, NE, and we do a calorie workup for people on the team with us that just uses basic nutrition math (BMR and HBE formulas). By accounting more accurately for your average level of activity and average…
  • I am part of a team in Omaha, NE that promotes a health challenge. As part of that, we do a calorie workup for people that gives them an idea of what they should be eating for their level of physical activity. It just uses basic nutrition math (BMR and HBE), but it has helped a lot of people realize where they should be…
  • I wouldn't be surprised at all if you aren't eating enough. I am part of a team that promotes a health challenge in Omaha, NE, and we do a calorie workup for people on the team with us that just uses basic nutrition math (BMR and HBE formulas). By accounting more accurately for your average level of activity and average…
  • I wouldn't be surprised at all if you aren't eating enough. I am part of a team that promotes a health challenge in Omaha, NE, and we do a calorie workup for people on the team with us that just uses basic nutrition math (BMR and HBE formulas). By accounting more accurately for your average level of activity and average…
  • I am part of a team in Omaha, NE that promotes a health challenge. As part of that, we do a calorie workup for people that gives them an idea of what they should be eating for their level of physical activity. It just uses basic nutrition math (BMR and HBE), but it has helped a lot of people realize where they should be…
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