jedigrover Member


  • Yes, they are do-able, but are challenging. Get a mop--you will sweat. And when I say sweat, I mean you will drip out a swimming pool worth in the 25 minutes. If you have bad knees, stay with Tania (the modifier) and work your way into the more plyometric moves. Good luck!
  • I've been eating Primal for about a year now (with occasional deviations). Think of Primal as Paleo where some dairy is allowed. Combined with exercise, I have lost about 60 lbs, quit needing statins for my cholesterol, and cut my BP med to the minimum dose & doctor is having me experiment with quitting it entirely. Also,…
  • Eat real food, especially that including fat. Saturated fat at that! NOTE: I'm a paleo/primal guy, so my views differ from many of the "standard advice." Coming from my perspective, I see the following problems: 1) This looks like a fruit/nuts/snack eating plan. 2) Not enough fat (other than the nuts) 3) Way too much sugar…
  • There's not enough room allowed on a post to list all the ones I like. Here are just a few... Fuller's ESB, Newcastle Brown Ale, Salvator, Shiner Bock (my go-to default here in TX) all are nice to my taste buds. I homebrew as well, so I tend to like some of my own craft brews.
  • Get rid of them or you have an excuse to get big again. To ask this question, somewhere in the back of your mind, you must be doubting your own commitment. Think about it. REALLY COMMIT, and don't ever give yourself an 'out' to return to your old ways. To deal with rapidly changing sizes, shop at thrift stores until you…
  • Power walking. Really, any type of exercise, but the "slow cardio" seems to do it best. Note that my "slow cardio" is walking at 4mph (15 minutes to cover a mile) or faster. As fast as you can walk without jogging. Every time I exercised, the next day my BP would be down. If I did not exercise, my BP would be up. That is…
  • Personally, as a paleo guy, I don't mind the fat. In fact, it helps me. But I also only do uncured bacon (it's not the fat that concerns me, it's all the added nitrates & nitrites). But if you want to up protein without much fat & you don't want to do powders/shakes, then your best bets are: 1) Chicken breast, skin…
  • If you kill the starches (esp. bread), you will find you have a lot of room suddenly for much more filling (and nutritious) food that is bulky and satisfying. More meat, more fibrous veggies. I do Primal & sometimes find it hard to pack down all my calories if I'm eating all whole foods. Replace the most empty calories you…
  • Yes, you can over drink water. However, it is hard to do it unless you are in a crazy radio contest (this happened a few years back--a person died). Washing your salts out happens when you drink too much water in ****too short a period of time for your kidneys to clear it & keep your saline level correct****. FWIW, the…
  • 100% Texan. As for where my folks came from, I did the Ancestry DNA thing, which came back: 36% Central European (from family history, that is almost all German, except 1 French branch) 32% British Isles (from family history, at least half that is Scots-Irish) 14% Scandinavian 12% Eastern European 6% Other...which I know…
  • There may be some "addictive" aspects (dopamine rewards) to it, but fast food especially (versus the overall category of "junk food") is mostly a habit. In other words, it's more convenient to just buy a burger than to buy the food, cook, and assemble a healthy meal. You can replace this habit, though. I've done it, and so…
  • Digital Lego is a good analogy. When I was a kid, Legos were expensive & my dad was a school teacher. So I got maybe one small set a year from my aunt as a birthday present. I would build & build. I also had: Lincoln Logs, Erector Set, Tinker Toys. All these toys are related to another concept all kids know: the sandbox.…
  • It's a combination of reasons: 1) People are generally more active in the spring/summer. Temps allow them to be outdoors a lot more. Just extra walking around helps. 2) I think we may have a bit of a hibernation instinct yet. Our bodies will naturally try to prep for (what for our ancestors were) the lean months ahead. 3)…
  • For myself, it was a combination of wanting to improve my overall health / get off statins and BP meds, a desire to get back into martial arts and not hurt myself, and that I'm tired of being single / forever alone. I figured I'd have more luck with the ladies if I didn't look like the Michelin man. Someone once asked me…
  • 1st - anything is better than nothing. If this is what gets him moving, then so be it. 2nd - that workout was probably designed by a trainer for that celebrity specifically--to get him where he wants / needs to go from where he is at present. I'd also note that nothing is said of how strong of bands are being used etc. I'd…
  • Nothing if my goal is simply weight loss. If my goal is muscle retention / building, then cottage cheese just before bed. Don't eat just to eat & "fill out your calories".
  • The one that gets you on it & moving. It's YOU burning the calories, not the infernal machine. Seriously. I can't abide pounding on a treadmill, but an elliptical is more "fun" and holds my interest. That's my personal preference. Others will have the opposite preference. Remember: if you use them as a clothes rack they…
  • I say donate them to charity or sell them. Reasons: 1) As many have pointed out--don't leave yourself an 'out' for getting bigger. If your new clothes start fitting tightly, then get back on the wagon and take the inches off rather than pulling the big clothes out of the closet. I know from experience that keeping those…
  • I have a similar recipe I use for breakfast now and then, but I use maybe a bit less peanut buttery & more yogurty: 1 single-serving pack of Chobani plain fat-free greek yogurt (plain keeps the sugar down) 2 tbs PB2 (chocolate flavor) 1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder add a little stevia if you want some extra…
  • To some extent, yes. But remember that (most) of us guys are far less emotionally driven than (most) women. So I'd first have to say not to try and treat us like you would one of your girl friends. To feel manly, and in control of his own life, a guy oftentimes needs to do his own thing, without having to get approval from…
  • The answer is: "it depends". There are lots of reasons why BP gets out of control, some not thoroughly understood by medicine yet. For myself, the meds have been reduced as I've improved my fitness level. For others, they may be extremely sensitive to sodium (despite what you may have heard, not all high-BP is sodium…