shoshanafinkle Member


  • Hopped on the treadmill last night, did my three miles (and half a mile of walking after to cool down). Did the 3 miles in about 37 minutes, alternated speeds of 5.0 and 6.0 with drtopping back down to 3.5 in betweeen to recover a little. I could have done faster but didn't want to overly push myself, wanted to see where…
  • I am going to hop on the treadmill tonight to see where I'm holding. Any recommendations of what I should do to "test" how I'm doing running wise? Like how long I should try for? Should I push myself to run a certain amount of minutes etc? I don't want to be foolish and am open to deciding that I'm not ready if I'm not.
  • I haven't been running regularly but I do hop on the treadmill occasionally and do 3-4 miles- combo of walking, jogging, and running which I'm ok with- not looking to perform amazingly time wise or anything; just to do it comfortably without being sick after. Last time I trained I also did it in a couple months and I am…
  • Thanks for the advise everyone. When I did my first half marathon 9 years ago, I trained but not as much as I should have toward the end due to finals and a trip to Vegas with my friends. I knew I would finish the race no matter what but I was barely dragging my feet at the end and I was sick for days after. Definitely…
  • figured there may be at least one other person here who has been in the same situation :) if i dont get any advice i obviously will look elsewhere..
  • everyone can add me!
  • feel free everyone to add me as well!!! i had twins march 2015, and still have 20 pounds to lose to post partum weight and an additional 10 id love to lose after that!