Half Marathon



  • shoshanafinkle
    shoshanafinkle Posts: 10 Member
    I am going to hop on the treadmill tonight to see where I'm holding. Any recommendations of what I should do to "test" how I'm doing running wise? Like how long I should try for? Should I push myself to run a certain amount of minutes etc? I don't want to be foolish and am open to deciding that I'm not ready if I'm not.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    edited January 2017
    I started "training" for my half marathon on July 1, the race was September 25th. I had been running, having done my first 5K in May in 29:04. Got to running 4 days a week and 30-35 miles per week with my long run topping out at 13 miles. I did light lifting on the other days taking Sundays as a rest day. Finished the course, which my coach described as "tough", in 2:17:10. Not bad for a 61 year old first timer?

    ( Yes, there are free training programs on the web, most of them much more that adequate. I found having a coach, with whom I communicated via e-mails, gave me another level of accountability which may, or may not, be necessary for everyone. She would e-mail me the training schedule for the week and I would respond with what I did and how it went/felt, and she would update the next weeks program accordingly.)

    Felt good the whole way, finished strong and had no problems with walking, or functioning, the rest of that day nor any day thereafter.

    The funny thing was that I had trouble holding an 11 minute mile pace during training but during the race a 10:30 mile pace was more than doable the whole way.

    I find treadmill running to be harder than outdoor running. A 10 minute mile pace on the treadmill with incline set at "1" is a whole lot more difficult than that pace outdoors. Might just be me. but during the colder dark months, my running is on the treadmill. An hour at a time covering "4.7+/-" per the display. Just keeping up my easy pace work.

    But most of all, enjoy the run.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    hal higdon training plan
  • shoshanafinkle
    shoshanafinkle Posts: 10 Member
    Hopped on the treadmill last night, did my three miles (and half a mile of walking after to cool down). Did the 3 miles in about 37 minutes, alternated speeds of 5.0 and 6.0 with drtopping back down to 3.5 in betweeen to recover a little. I could have done faster but didn't want to overly push myself, wanted to see where im at and if ill even enjoy doing this a few times a week. i felt really good the whole time and great after! i am going to do another 3 mile treadmill on thursday and hope to make it outside for a run on sunday. then will decide after all of that how im feeling and what i want to do
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    I like Endomondo for custom training plans- it'll ask you for the race date, how many miles you currently run a week, how many days/week you want to run, current speed, etc - and suggest a training schedule. FYI-If currently running 0 miles/week, I don't think it will let you select a half marathon plan.
  • CaSp20
    CaSp20 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm interested to see what you decide and how the race goes! I'm training for a half as well and doing my first one inFebruary and a final one in April. I'm just using the Runkeeper app's training plan for a sub 2:30 half marathon. And no cross training aside from short morning yoga sessions before getting my day started. Good luck to you!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I'm interested to see what you decide and how the race goes! I'm training for a half as well and doing my first one inFebruary and a final one in April. I'm just using the Runkeeper app's training plan for a sub 2:30 half marathon. And no cross training aside from short morning yoga sessions before getting my day started. Good luck to you!

    I did my first half last year without any cross training, and then was lucky enough to be given an exercise bike.

    Cross training has improved my running massively, I would highly recommend you add some in if you can.
  • iofred
    iofred Posts: 488 Member
    Sorry for the late reply, but I am training for HM for the 1st of May as well, I am using Runkeeper, in combination with "Gipis", which creates a running schedule for you. For me this works very well, but I am only using it for 2 weeks now. Proof will be in the pudding come 1st of May :)
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    I'd take a look at something like Galloway's half marathon training plan - his is based around run/walk intervals - I do all my races from 5k to ironman with those and has kept me mostly from being injured (unless I do something dumb like an ironman and a marathon in the same month...)
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    I'm interested to see what you decide and how the race goes! I'm training for a half as well and doing my first one inFebruary and a final one in April. I'm just using the Runkeeper app's training plan for a sub 2:30 half marathon. And no cross training aside from short morning yoga sessions before getting my day started. Good luck to you!

    I did my first half last year without any cross training, and then was lucky enough to be given an exercise bike.

    Cross training has improved my running massively, I would highly recommend you add some in if you can.

    Yes- the extra leg strength from cycling does wonders for staving off leg fatigue on longer runs. And additional arm strength helps with speed (maintaining increased cadence).
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    You should be OK with 3-4 days/week running training (every day or close to every day would be too much starting back into running anyway), which leaves 3-4 days for aerobics & strength training at the gym.