ncarleto1 Member


  • Hello! I think you made a good choice. I have been here for a long time off and on, meaning I left at times to try other programs but I always come back here. It helps me stay focused and keep track of food and exercise. plus you meet people here that encourage you and give you ideas that you may have never thought of on…
  • Hi kblau, glad to see you here and welcome. I have been here off and on, for over 6 months and I am just now getting to a plan that works for me with diet and exercise myself. Good luck and enjoy the program. Neill
  • Sometimes it is good to cheat a little as you did, It helps control your desire for sugar if only done occasionally as you did. Also now new research has found that you have a fat hormone and weight loss hormone. The fat hormone of course is insulin which increases each time you eat carbohydrates and the fat loss hormone I…
  • You may also be eating more than you realize. Condiments and seasonings can add calories and sometimes people forget to add them. If you fry a steak in butter, don't forget to add the calories in the butter for example.
  • Hi back at you! Good place to loose weight and keep up your goals. Good luck!