

  • VERY bad. I'm 2 wks off Paxil now and the nausea and the vertigo is finally gone, but I"m still having to deal with weird mood swings, high sensitivity to sound, body aches, and more. From what I understand I can still have up to 6 more weeks of this :( If you can get on something else, do it. GL!
  • Welcome! This really is a great site (although I've only been in lurker status for far too long, lol) But everyone here is so supportive. You're almost there!
  • I've been on Paxil for more than a year and it never made me gain weight but it has hindered me in losing weight. A LOT of patience taking Paxil reported 20-60 lbs weight gain after the first year of taking it. I never saw the weight gain but I was busting my butt trying to lose weight, which never happened. I just stayed…
  • ran and did my master workout plan (see blog) this morning. Eating wonderfully today too. Feeling great!
  • ok, did my 50 girlies for today. Did one set of 20 then held a plank for a 10 count. Repeat. Finished with a last set of 10 girlies. Whew!
  • I'm in! 4 days late, but I'm in :) I can do the girly ones. I have a bad wrist so it hurts to put all my weight on it doing the boy ones, lol
  • If it's not too late I want to join in! My goal is 45, but I'll take 50 :D As soon as the hubs gets home from PT, I'm going to go for a run... I'll write my master workout for the days I don't run/cardio on my blog to share :)
  • Thanks for all the tips! I do love to exercise. I walk atleast 4 times a week and do pilates (not to mention run around after a 2 year old and an almost 1 year old, but I know that doesn't 'really' count!). I've already cut sodas out of my diet and I'm not a big junk food eater. I think I'm just finding it harder to lose…