November Challenge



  • MrsTLP
    MrsTLP Posts: 15
    Day 2 complete! Yay us! :happy:
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Day 3 Complete, 4 sets of 13 (52)-kitchen counter.....MY ARMS ARE SORE!!!! :cry: Oh well, I'll keep at it and hopefully it gets better.

    Thanks Posh!

    Have a Healthy Day!
  • fitnewlife
    fitnewlife Posts: 339 Member
    Getting ready to get in 50 pushups and 50 crunches. Wish me luck.
  • I'm in for girly push ups!
    This is going to be interesting!
    Thank you for the challenge, I am new to this site and just learning how to navigate :smile:
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Day 3 50 push ups done! All girly ones for me. Split them into 16 - 16 - 18.

    Everyone is doing so well! Let's all keep this up! :flowerforyou:
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    So 50 again today. Man, my arms are burning! Keeping it up though!
  • Completed Day 2 of 50 Push ups....5 sets of 10-kitchen counter. My next goal is to work towards the girlie push ups.

    Here's my game plan:
    Wed & Thurs: 4 sets of 13 (52)
    Fri & Sat: 3 sets of 17 (51)
    Sun & Mon: 2 sets of 25 (50)
    Tues: 1 set of 50 (50)
    *these will be completed on the kitchen counter

    Hopefully by next Wed I will be moving on to the girlie push ups. Loving this Challenge! :smile:
    i too love your plan!
  • everyone is doing GREAT! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that we are all doing something different this week then we were doing last week.

    here's the link for the blog for Day 3:

    cheering each and every one of you on!!!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Day 3 done! 2 sets of 25 on the wall! My arms are still killing! Love it!
  • I too have completed day 3 at the kitchen counter!!! Man do I hurt!!! Good hurt!!! Just bought a used treadmill, hoping it will become my new best friend!!! Keep it up everyone.
  • hessond
    hessond Posts: 224 Member
    Finished 50 girlie push ups (25, 15, & 10) plus made up 25 counter push ups this morning to make up for missing Monday. Will make up the other 25 tomorrow. Whew, my arms are tired as well!!!
  • Day 3 complete and arms are on fire between the push-ups and insanitymy arms have to look good by the end of the month!!
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    did 100 pushups and 100 sit-ups last night to make up for missing tuesday (too tired from 2.5 hrs of gym classes). sore, tired arms and abs today!!! i did the pushups on the counter since my knees have been sore... and man I think that was worse than girly ones!
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    I missed yesterday! BOOO>.... I will make up for it today. Ok, so 100 wallies today!
  • MrsTLP
    MrsTLP Posts: 15
    Just completed day 4!
  • Evarell
    Evarell Posts: 143 Member
    Day 4 done. Yea! Maybe soon I can start throwing in a few "boy" push- ups.
  • I'm in! 4 days late, but I'm in :) I can do the girly ones. I have a bad wrist so it hurts to put all my weight on it doing the boy ones, lol
  • ok, did my 50 girlies for today.

    Did one set of 20 then held a plank for a 10 count.
    Finished with a last set of 10 girlies. Whew!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Day 4 Complete! Not too sore today BUT that might change after I do the 30 Day Shred today.
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Day 4 done! Did 25-15-10 all girly again! Can definitely feel it in my arms!!
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