

  • Personally I mainly try and stick to my calories--and if I blow that by having a big lunch or bad snack, I either make up for it by walking (fitbit), working out...or doing without. That being said I've gotten better at stuffing myself with foods I do like that aren't going to bust the calorie bank. Fruit is easy--and at…
  • The Fitbit Aria scale is pretty nice--but it's expensive. I splurged and got it for my birthday--but it's digital and measures your fat % as well--but the cool thing is it automatically connects to the fitbit site and tracks your weight (via WiFi). From there is has nifty graphs etc...I think it's $120--and you can…
  • When I hit a plateau, I started fasting one day a week (google intermittent fasting- IF)...where I would eat dinner go to bed, and then chug water all day until dinner the following night and eat a reasonable dinner (no buffets etc...). I have kept doing it about every 2 weeks or so--there are other methods where you just…
  • If you've got some extra money--I'll say my Fitbit has been a huge motivator ('s basically a pedometer on steroids with a website component as well (which syncs up nicely with MFP). You can set goals for steps, distance, floors covered etc...
  • If you aren't concerned about sodium--a 3oz bag of beef jerky has ~45g or so--and it's not the cheapest snack...but it helps me snack.