

  • Most fads like this we find out years later what the effects are. We won't know about what this does to someone's health in the long run for awhile, but you already know 600 calories and fake hormones are unhealthy, we all do-it's a matter of if you want to take the risk and be part of the first wave of people who find out…
  • Hey there, I know how hard it is to keep going when you are really sore and it is frustrating when you first start a new program. With P90X you really should push through unless you are injured. The key is to stretch at night, and really well before the next workout, and after. Do a lot more stretching than what they do in…
  • When I started losing weight I began losing tons of hair as well. Really freaked me out. But I think now that it has something to do with hormones changing, and birth control messing with natural hormones. Losing weight definitely changes the balance of the body (in a good way) but weird things can happen during that…
  • If I made this I would use a tbs of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, or a small amount of real butter, the skim milk is great, tuna, and no egg beaters but one egg with yolk and the rest just whites (and add more eggs since the yolks are gone) and as far as seasoning, to reduce sodium and preservative/chemical content I would make…
  • Insanity is great for fat burning, because it is all cardio. But if you have built up strength doing any sort of resistance or weight workouts, you will lose muscle and strength. Your lungs and heart will become amazingly strong, and you will burn fat. I love Insanity but it is extremely difficult so work hard and just…