You are welcome to add me also. I am looking to lose 50 lbs and want to lose about 2 a week .. Hopefully I can.. I need all the friends, support, advice and encouragement i can get. .
I am not sure I could DO a fitness class at this point.. I totally get tired and weak walking up ONE flight of stairs.. so i would be so embarrassed to even be in a class.. i would have to lay on the floor after 3 minutes.. lol
All had great advice and I think that I will try the Elliptical at the gym and walking at home with the dogs. I would love to work my way up to running, but I have never ever done it and not sure my joints could handle it. lol But to Clarify.. i am not looking at "muscle building" as in looking "buff", but more strength…
Whats an Elimination diet??
You could always skip bready substances entirely and lick the plate. [/quote] Thats too funny!!! I like that idea. ! But Eggs are the super food of low carb eating.! and I too have difficulty not having toast with my eggs. I have decided to do 1/2 grapefruit for breakast and greek yogurt.. Its much better then the two…