

  • I started the Virgin Diet today. I was going to do it to start the year 2013 like you are, but I might be going to Rome at the end of january and I definitely don't want to go into a diet in Rome. It might interfere with introducing back the foods, but if I can do if I have any interrruptions, I think I will try it again.…
  • Everything is a process and a process has its ups and downs and setbacks. Try not only to lose weight but to make healthy changes in your life. Even if you lose little by little, you will not get it back. So make a change and make it part of your life, then make another. Make a habit of eating mostly plant based food -…
  • Wow! This has been a great help for me. Thanks for all the links, I already bookmarked them. I am also starting into the veg track. I don't have anything against meat, but I think its consumption should be limited. I am also off milk - I love almond milk - but I do love eggs and mean to keep them around. I am taking this…
  • Babies are so beautiful but so exhausting! You must be reorganizing your whole life. Walking is still the best exercise. Try to incorporate your baby into the routine. Take out the stroller and set out walking. Also, food is very important. No losing weight if you are eating the wrong stuff. Avoid fast foods, eat more…
  • It is very simple. For potassium, bananas. I add them to fruit smoothies, and to my cereal (very good with Special K.). One of the staples of my diet is Spinach - it has all the nutrients you say you are lacking. I use it in salads, sandwiches, add some to my smoothies and sometimes to rice. Spinach is good with…
  • I would love to be your friend. I am 55 going on 20. I don't have any friends in this program yet. Don't let illness or menopause overcome or scare you. Go for the fighting spirit - make feeling good and healthy a part of your life. Look at yourself slender and healthy. Your positive image is very, very important. I am…
  • Thanks for sharing. You look great! I have to take a picture like that so I can show it when I lose weight!