

  • i have herniated and degenerating discs in my neck so i cant go overboard or i will pay for it! i like doing some of the kickboxing stuff but usually my arms go numb because of the neck problem... my son is an MMA fighter so i tend to get a little jealous of his workouts I have to find a happy medium.
  • hmmmmm just hooked up the WF again... it has been a while. glad to hear you like the hula hoop. think i will give that a try!!
  • i was wondering the same thing... i am at the 1200 calorie level and some days come in under it and reallly struggled my 2nd and 3rd week of weight loss. i asked a fitness friend and she said to have one day where calories are higher to confuse your body a little. she said the body will get used to the 1200 intake and just…
  • thanks for the information everyone. must confess, i do weigh every day... i am a little OCD about it... i am very OCD about weighing all of my food and keeping track of everything also. everything is perfectly portioned. i will keep trying. thanks for the help! good luck to all of you!
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