

  • Hey Loving London! I know how you feel! I'm 28 stone. At least you used to be fit! :-D I was always unfit but in the last year I've had to face some hard truths. Like you said, when I walk anywhere now my back kills... well more my pelvis... I think its the weight of my stomach pulling it forward/downwards. I have had…
  • Hiya Lene4Life.. Sorry, only recently got a new phone. It's really annoying how you cannot access the groups on the mobile app, because i'm rubbish at logging in on here :-D Thanks for the tips, yea I've started logging everything even if I go over. I'm trying the 5:2 diet (started this week) because a friend of mine has…
  • A peddler seems like a great idea! I might try that too! my knees can sometimes get really painful, and I'm sure because its so low impact could probably go faster to increase the heart rate more? plus it would be easier to get more activity in when watching TV. I haven't walked for a few weeks now, feeling really deflated…
  • Hiya and Welcome!! I haven't been logging my food for a while because my phone broke and I no longer have the app.. so I keep forgetting to log in! Hopefully it won't be too long until I can get the app back. I am really struggling. When you guys feel like eating badly, how do you overcome these 'cravings'? I feel like I…
  • Hi Lori!! Welcome I feel the same, and it is really daunting thinking about how far we have to go but My Fitness Pal has been amazing. I would add lots of users to your friends if you haven't already - I find seeing everyone's updates really motivating and everyone has been super supportive. I wish this group was more…
  • That's awful! I don't get those peoples' mentality, I mean I don't ever lean out of my car and shout insults at people with big noses or whatever.. it's just weird. I used to get upset when I was younger but now it doesn't bother me that much because I just think of the sort of person who feels compelled to do it... not…
  • Awww thanks! Yea I drink loads. I think it's just something I have to put up with for a while. It is slowly getting easier. I get the same thing with energy levels but I am sleeping so much better and energy has increased slightly. I think the hardest part really is just staying motivated and trying to make the activity…
  • Thanks guys! Sorry for late reply - you can't see them on the app great it's nice to know there's people out there who understand :-D yea I'm doing the walk for a friends charity but I decided to do it to motivate me to lose weight with the charity part being a bonus! One person donated £100 and I just cannot fail now.…
  • Hello!!! there IS SOMEONE there!!! I cannot afford gym membership and I'm too embarrassed to go to the gym, I have even been walking mostly under the cover of darkness, walking around the streets :laugh: I have found it is getting a lot easier and it's just been over a week. I managed 11 miles in total last week which is a…
  • ahh I posted that before I had finished! lol I am very embarrassed but I thought I would share my list of reasons to lose weight. 1. General Health Reasons. 2. Back Pain. 3. Knee Pain 4. Lack of energy 5. To wear normal clothes 6. To go on holiday 7. To ride a horse again. 8. To improve career prospects 9. To 're-balance'…
  • I know exactly how you feel. It's scary to admit these things here for me, but its nice to be able to support and have the support of people who understand. I'm not saying that slimmer people have any less of a hard time dieting - but at my size it is a very different ball game!
  • Hi Everyone! My name is Lisa-Marie, username LimaMikeJuliet. I joined MFP a long while ago but left in favour of going to Slimming World - which was amazing and I wish I could continue with it but I just cannot afford it any more. I weigh just over 28 stones. That's hard to type. wow. I'm 5'5 and need to lose 18-19stones.…
  • CONGRATS!! check this guy...amazing used to weigh 560pounds!!!
  • You need to think about it in a different way! I'm 359 pounds and I love the gym!! I did used to feel like you a few years ago but now I am more determined than ever to change my life that I don't care. Sure sometimes I feel embarrassed, but I just remember why I'm there and get on with it. Other people are not spending…
  • Thank you everyone! I know I CAN do it... Just got to get back into a exercise routine - which obviously helps with mood and gives your day some structure. I know that no one can do this for me.. I have just found that occaisionally leaning on the MFP community can keep things going rather than quitting, believe me i don't…
  • 1. To be able to go on my first holiday. 2. To ride a horse again. 3. To try new activities sports - I live by the sea! 4. To show all the people who insulted me over the years. 5. To not feel invisible, I have kind of taken it for granted over the years but now I think about it, I realise how much it really hurts me 6.…
  • love this too! - thank you! with about 15stone to lose - it's really helpful. x
  • Heeyyyy!! I understand a little where you are coming from. I'm 27 but over 350lbs.. its daunting and seems like it will never be done (i haven't been a 'normal' weight since about age 11. But now I though about it and though if I let this continue for ANOTHER 20 odd years.. how much MORE of life will I have missed out on..…
  • I need to lose 15stone. It's so hard to stay motivated.. but try and think in a few months how much you'll regret it if you don't stick to it. Thats what's helping me at the mo.