knosmo Member


  • I also have about 100 to lose. 90-100
  • I have super-sensitive skin and any time I change something, I deal with a period of "skin issues." (As an aside, I find myself sighing and reaching for the anti-wrinkle, anti-blemish cream. Because I thought by the time I got to anti-wrinkle, I would not need anti-blemish... ) For me, pinpointing the problem is hard, but…
  • I eat my emotions too. The worst part is, I know it, I will say it out loud, and then get frustrated when my clothes don't fit. I'm holding myself more accountable and working toward getting to the root of the problem instead of throwing a band-aid on it. So, if it helps you at all, you are so not alone. I'm hoping for…
  • I'm actually trying to stop the mindless grazing. I guess for me it's part of the whole "I'm not on a diet, I'm changing the way I eat and behave" thing. If I graze on pomegranate seeds or zucchini chips or whatever, I'm not changing the behavior, I'm just substituting a food. That's just me. Clearly everyone else's…
  • Definitely nuts and/or nut butters. They are so good, and a reasonable portion seems SO small (granted I am working on re-evaluating what a reasonable portion is, so bear with the just starting out and still fat girl.)