Time for a Moment of Truth - tracking and weight gain

Hi y'all.
So I've been tracking on MFP for a while now... and I am pretty honest and stick to my goals about 2-3 days per week. Not good enough, I know. I work out 3-5 days per week, mostly Zumba, light weights, and interval training. And listen: I haven't lost. In fact, I'm ten lbs heavier than I was a year ago.

My diet is far from perfect, and I don't work out hard. Plus, I am emotional overeater, and binge after dark. 2-3 times per week. This is why I haven't lost. I get it. So, I think it's time for some more accountability.

I'm not here to complain. I'm just here to bear all in the hopes of making a fresh start in 2013. There is nothing that should stand between me and my goal weight. I've been there before, I can get there again.

That's it. Don't wish me luck, wish me strength.


  • azalea617
    azalea617 Posts: 109 Member
    You can do this. It seems like you already recognize the issues that are holding you back. That is the crucial first step. Now, just do it! It's why we're all here, after all. I wish you so much strength!
  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,099 Member
    Like the above said, You see your issues and you know where to start to make this work. You can do it, and you will do it if you put your mind to it and stick to your goals.
  • kingzx
    kingzx Posts: 6 Member
    Stick with it! Really. It works ;)
  • knosmo
    knosmo Posts: 5 Member
    I eat my emotions too. The worst part is, I know it, I will say it out loud, and then get frustrated when my clothes don't fit. I'm holding myself more accountable and working toward getting to the root of the problem instead of throwing a band-aid on it.

    So, if it helps you at all, you are so not alone. I'm hoping for strength too, and will send the same your way.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Weight loss is 95% what you eat and 5% exercise.
    Consider that. You can't out-run bad eating.

    Exercise is great - do it. But focus on the food if you want to lose weight.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member

    Late night eating is ok - just make sure you save room in your calories for it (I do it every night).

    I find that making one small change at a time worked best for me. I love junk food - salt & vinegar chips, cookies, cake, etc. I do not omit those things from my diet; I just eat less of them and make sure I track it. If I go over my calories once a week, I am ok with that and finally in a place to forgive myself for screw ups. Remember it is all about the big picture - try to think of your calorie intake averaged out over the course of a week instead of just one day at a time. This journey takes time so make sure you are setting hte right calorie goal and move forward from here.

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,321 Member
    I cannot stress enough how important it is to log your food faithfully. Regardless of whether you meet your goals or not, log your food.

    Once that becomes habit, start weighing and measuring everything you eat and drink. You'd be surprised how easy it is to over eat by several hundred calories a day even when you think you are staying under. Overeat by 400 calories (which is two cookies, or a plate of chips) for five days, and you've gained 1/2 pound. Do that for a month and you've gained four pounds. Even a bowl of cereal that you think is 150, is probably more like 300 calories. It's all about the accuracy.

    That's really the only way to be able to monitor what is working. It takes me 5 minutes total for the whole day's food logging.
  • RockandRoseRebel
    RockandRoseRebel Posts: 35 Member
    You can do it. The first step in overcoming weakness is being aware of it. If you know what your challenges are, you can strategize ways to outwit yourself.

    For example, if I eat too few calories, I will binge by the third or fourth day, so I know I have to eat my calories if I want to be able to stick with this long enough to get the results I so desperately want. I also know that it's a lot easier to overeat when I'm eating high-cal, lo-nutrition foods than when I'm eating a lot of veggies. If I don't stay busy, I will eat 3500 calories in a day out of boredom. And if I don't track my food, I will eat junk without thinking.

    It's taken tons of yo-yo dieting, sometimes trying to follow all the rules, and sometimes breaking all the rules for me to figure out what works for me, and realize I have to "just do it." And don't be afraid to ignore other people's advice if it doesn't work for you. This is your body, your life, and your decision.
  • Night after night of late night over eating is what got me too :) I started tracking after my 3rd kid was born and was shocked when I saw how easily I'd add an extra 1000 calories on at 11pm while sitting in front of the TV nursing. Once I started watching my calories and working out the weight started coming off. I'm almost to 30lbs. lost since September! And I still eat my late night snacks, just much more sensibly ;-) Good luck! You've got this!
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    Do you also measure your inches? Because the scale can sometimes lie. Also, if you want better results you have to be more consistent with your logging. And when you log you should log everything, including drinks, fruits and vegetables.

    Good luck. :)