

  • Hi :) I found these in the internet and really got to me due to my past compulsive emotional eating.. "If hunger is not the problem, food is not the solution" "You can never have enough of what you don't really need." Persistence not perfection is the key to success
  • my older sister is completely different. She's 5'6 and I'm 5'9, the weirdest thing is that her torso is longer than mine and well... my legs are longer than hers :) She was always very thin and well... I've been the chubbier sister :S haha working on it :)
  • Hi, I'm 5'9 and currently around 168-170 depending on the day... haha my highest weight was around 190 back in 8th grade then went down to around 125 when I was 16 but that didn't last long as I started binge eating again. and was around 140-150 until two years ago I went up to 175 due to not exercising and stress eating…
  • HI! I like looking at the weekly circulars to compare which stores have the best sales on fresh produce and other items I mostly buy and make a list of the things I want, how much of it I can eat realistically within that week without it going bad and make a list before I head out to the winning store! I go to Sunset…