

  • I had this last fall... definitely go see the doc! If you wait too long (like i did) you will have to go to PT and do non-impact exercises for 6 weeks. Don't skimp during PT, if you do it right you will be back on track at the end of it.
  • One thing i noticed for me is that if you are not really strict about measuring exact amounts its very easy to underestimate how many calories you are actually consuming. I have been on here for about a couple months now with almost steady tracking but its wasn't until 2 weeks ago that i started losing and that was because…
  • I completely feel for you. I have some pretty serious dysfunction in my family, to the point where i was having anxiety attacks on a daily basis. I too am an emotional eater, stress = food. What helped me was talking through my problems and running. I don't know your family situation, but for me talking to someone on the…