

  • Last year I used Slimfast just before a holiday away and Christmas. I have been able to keep the weight off - and lost another 2 pounds watching what i eat & calorie counting. I have now reached a plateau - and can't seem to drop the last 6 pounds or so. So I have decided to go back onto Slimfast next week, but I wanted to…
  • Sticking to 1200 & trying to either walk or ride every day so that is pushs it up a bit. I know that breakfast is a must!! I find however if I have a big one I am forevery hungry. So i love my weetabix.
    in cereal? Comment by Ash0808 July 2012
  • [/quote] being from the uk i don,t understand cup size as there are alot of different size cups lol so how much would that be in grams :laugh: :laugh: [/quote] I believe a cup is 250ml ?? I think
    in cereal? Comment by Ash0808 July 2012
  • Yes 134 cal is low - but then you have to add milk... that starts pushing up the cal
    in cereal? Comment by Ash0808 July 2012
  • Weetabix for me - but I wouldn't say its low in calories - 209... thats with about 200ml of skimmed milk. How many calories does everyone normally have for each meal?
    in cereal? Comment by Ash0808 July 2012